Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News that he thinks Vice President Kamala Harris should come clean with voters about what kind of firearm she owns if she actually owns one.

“If she has a gun, she should say what kind of a gun,” Trump told Breitbart News when asked about Harris’s comments both in the ABC debate and in her recent event with Oprah Winfrey where Harris said she owned a firearm. In the Winfrey interview, Harris even said if someone intruded into her home, she would shoot that person.

Harris has said before she owns a firearm, back when she was running in the 2020 presidential election on the campaign trail in 2019. Her campaign staff refuses to answer questions about what type of gun it is, other than to say it was a handgun that could fit in her purse.

Breitbart News has asked multiple Harris campaign staffers to provide clarity on this, including asking when she bought it, whether she owns more than one firearm, whether she has ever used it in a self-defense capacity as she described she would to Winfrey, and exactly what model of firearm she has. Those Harris staffers — who include Brian Fallon, Ian Sams, and Adrienne Elrod — have refused to answer those questions from Breitbart News and even similar ones from CNN’s Jim Acosta.

Elrod told Acosta that she “can’t really comment” when asked for more information about the firearm that Harris says she owns.

Trump, when asked about the Harris campaign’s refusal to answer questions about her claims of gun ownership, told Breitbart News that he thinks it’s a “disgrace.”

“It means she’s been lying about guns,” Trump told Breitbart News, adding that Harris has been “surrounded by armed guards” for decades dating back to when she was the District Attorney in San Francisco in 2004 and during her time as Attorney General of California.

“It was just done because she’s trying to convince people she doesn’t want to confiscate guns,” Trump said of Harris’s stories regarding gun ownership.

In fact, on Wednesday, a report emerged from The Reload demonstrating that Harris did in fact support firearm confiscation as a California politician. When she was District Attorney in San Francisco, the outlet reported, she announced support for a ballot measure that would have confiscated handguns.

“Vice President Kamala Harris supported a 2005 ballot measure that banned San Francisco residents from possessing pistols. The Democratic presidential nominee backed Proposition H in her role as the city’s District Attorney at the time,” The Reload’s Stephen Gutowski reported. “The measure banned San Francisco residents from buying, selling, or even possessing handguns. With exceptions included for active-duty law enforcement, military, and licensed security guards, 58 percent voted in favor of the measure. But it faced immediate legal scrutiny from the National Rifle Association (NRA), California Rifle and Pistol Assocaition (CRPA), and other gun-rights groups.”