Charlie Kirk: Mississippi’s Shad White Targeting Brett Favre Like Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis Are Attacking Trump

Former NFL Player Brett Favre, NFL Players Antonio Brown and Julian Edelman attend the NFL
Kevin Mazur/Getty

Charlie Kirk on Thursday said that Mississippi state auditor Shad White is advancing his own career by “destroying American patriot and great man” Brett Favre, similar to how Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis are targeting former President Donald Trump.

Kirk said on the Charlie Kirk Show:

We expect our government officials to act in the public interest. You’d think that in the state of Mississippi, a deep red state, a great state full of patriots, that we wouldn’t have to deal with this sort of nonsense. But this sort of targeting is not immune in the state of Mississippi to the favorite son of Mississippi, and our next guest, Brett Favre. It could happen to anybody. The story is chilling.

He added, “We talk a lot about Letitia James and Alvin Bragg targeting Donald Trump, but let me tell you about what’s happening in Mississippi below the radar.”

Kirk explained how Mississippi auditor White is targeting Favre:

Several years ago, Shad White informed Brett Favre that a well-known Mississippi nonprofit used federal welfare funds that it received from the state to pay Brett for an endorsement and advertising work that Brett agreed to do for the nonprofit. No big deal there. Even though Brett had done nothing wrong — he did not know the source of the funds, and Brett had performed services for the nonprofit — he returned all of the funds to the state of Mississippi. Brett returned the funds, no questions asked, and because he had done nothing wrong, did not ask for a release of any claims or anything else. Shad White publicly congratulated Brett for his upstanding and generous conduct. However, for purely political reasons, similar to Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis, White then later turned on Brett. The state, led by Shad White, sued Brett for the money that [he] had already returned.

Kirk added, “White knew that suing Brett would have widespread publicity, and it has. In fact, the suit has made Brett persona non grata in many circles and has damaged his ability to make a living in the state of Mississippi.”

The Turning Point USA founder contended that White is “very ambitious” and wants to become the next governor of the Magnolia State. Kirk added that White even wrote a book about his suit against Favre.

“He’s personally profiting by attacking Brett,” Kirk remarked.

Kirk asked, “You see a pattern here?”

“No public official should have the power to unjustly attack a private citizen. It’s wrong when Letitia James does it, and it’s wrong when Shad White does it. We have a message for Shad White at Turning Point Action and all of us here, “he continued. “We’ve been watching you and we don’t like what you have been doing here. We’re going to make sure you’re not elected governor of Mississippi and you do not have a future if this nonsense and this garbage continues.”

A source close to Favre said that he was surprised by Kirk’s opening because the two just met recently and never discussed his case.

Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on X @SeanMoran3.


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