CNN Fact-Checker Daniel Dale Rejects Democrat Talking Point — ‘Trump Did Not Write Project 2025’

CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale said Wednesday on his network’s coverage of the Democratic National Convention that Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) was incorrect when she claimed former President Donald Trump wrote the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025.

Dale said, “Jake, this was the second straight night where speakers made a very small number of false claims. I counted just two flat false claims the whole night, but I think they’re both important false claims because both were on a central subject of Democrat attacks. That is Project 2025 a conservative think-tank proposals for a next Republican administration. Listen to this claim from Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester of Delaware about Project 2025 and former President Trump.

Rochester said, “He has, with his friends, said the quiet parts out loud, but not only said them out loud, he wrote a book about it. What’s it called? Project 2025.

Dale said, “That is false. Trump did not write Project 2025. The project’s big policy document published by the Heritage Foundation think tank lists dozens of people as authors, editors, contributors. Donald Trump is not among them. A Project 2025 spokesman told me tonight no candidate was involved with the drafting of the document. Now it is fair to say Trump has extensive ties to Project 2025. CNN has reported that more than half of those authors, editors and contributors worked at some point in his administration. But that’s different than saying Trump actually wrote it.”

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