Exclusive — Rick Scott: Kamala Harris’s Push for Price Controls Is ‘Pure Socialism’

Joel Pollak / Breitbart News

Vice President Kamala Harris’s push for price controls is “pure socialism,” Florida Sen. Rick Scott (R) told Breitbart News during a brief Q&A in Chicago — home of this year’s Democrat National Convention (DNC).

Breitbart News reporter Nick Gilbertson asked Scott what Harris’s proposal for price controls would do to the American economy, and Scott did not mince words.

“So then we’ll have two things. We’ll have the Harris high prices, and we’ll have the Harris shortages. So this is just pure socialism,” he said, noting that socialism always results in high prices as well as shortages.

“So it makes no sense at all. … But she has no background in this, and if she had these ideas … What has she done in the last three and a half years? She’s done nothing. So we’ve seen grocery prices up at least over 20 percent, gas above 50 percent, rent’s way up. Everything —  everything has gone up in price. So she’s been a disaster,” he said, warning that it will just get worse under her leadership.

Scott also spoke about the DNC’s policy plan, which is essentially the same as President Biden’s without overtly focusing on him. However, Scott said that will do nothing to disassociate Harris from Biden’s policies.

“Clearly, if I was them, I would not want to say the word Biden, because, as we know, Biden is disaster. But Harris has been there, and Harris was the tie-breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, which didn’t reduce inflation,” he said, noting she was also the tie-breaking vote for the American Rescue plan.

“She’s the one who has caused all this. Massive government spending always causes inflation,” he said, noting that “everything is up at least over 20 percent.

“Some things for my family — I grew up in a very poor family, I actually was born in Illinois — they would be devastated right now, grocery prices and gas prices and rent going up so much,” the senator added.


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