President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s agencies released an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC), who illegally crossed the southern border into the United States only months before he allegedly raped and murdered 11-year-old Maria Gonzalez, a House Judiciary Committee report confirms.

“The disastrous immigration policies of the Biden-Harris Administration have had real-world consequences for American citizens,” the interim staff report states:

The effects of those policies will be felt for years to come, with criminal aliens in American neighborhoods harming families and hurting public safety across the country. The family of Maria Gonzalez will never be the same because the Biden-Harris Administration’s policies incentivized illegal alien Juan Carlos Garcia Rodriguez to enter the country and fast-tracked his release. [Emphasis added]

On January 8, 2023, then-17-year-old Juan Carlos Garcia Rodriguez illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border into El Paso, Texas, after his parents paid a cartel smuggler to take him to the U.S. from Guatemala, the report states.

After being taken into custody by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Garcia Rodriguez was referred to Health and Human Services (HHS) because he was classified as a UAC and thus eligible to be resettled with an adult sponsor in the U.S.

Garcia Rodriguez told HHS staff that he left Guatemala for “academic and work opportunities” — neither of which are valid claims for asylum in the U.S.

Only a few days after entering HHS custody, Garcia Rodriguez allegedly threatened to flee the facility by jumping a fence. He later denied ever making such threats when confronted by HHS staff. On Feb. 4, 2023, Garcia Rodriguez was placed with an adult sponsor in Shreveport, Louisiana, who was similarly an illegal alien with a reported criminal history in Guatemala.

Despite the adult sponsor having a history of failing to enroll UACs in classes after they were placed with him as required, HHS officials allowed Garcia Rodriguez to be transferred to the sponsor. Garcia Rodriguez had told HHS staff that he knew the sponsor from back in Guatemala.

A month after releasing Garcia Rodriguez to the adult sponsor, HHS staff tried to contact him and failed. HHS staff tried again in May 2023 and failed yet again. As of June 7, 2023, the adult sponsor was flagged for failing to stay in touch with HHS staff regarding Garcia Rodriguez.

About seven months after being released into the U.S. interior, Garcia Rodriguez was arrested by the Pasadena, Texas, Police Department for allegedly raping Maria Gonzalez before strangling her and stuffing her lifeless body into a laundry basket that he then reportedly hid under her bed.

According to police, on August 12, 2023, Gonzalez texted her father — who had left for work — that someone was knocking on the front door of their home. At that point, her father sent family members to check on the girl but they found no one in the apartment.

When her father came home from work, he discovered Gonzalez’s body in a laundry basket under her bed. A coroner report determined that Gonzalez suffered blunt force trauma and sexual assault.

Garcia Rodriguez was denied bail and remains in Pasadena Police Department custody.

The staff interim report specifically calls out Kamala Harris for stating in 2017 that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal” while mocking plans to mass deport illegal aliens from the U.S.

“Contrary to the border czar’s claims, many of the illegal aliens allowed to enter the United States under Vice President Harris’s watch are criminals who victimized Americans and terrorized U.S. communities,” the report states.

Since Biden and Harris took office in early 2021, more than 400,000 UACs have been released into the U.S. interior. Most have been resettled with adult sponsors in the U.S. who are not their biological parents or relatives.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here