Dr. Ben Carson laid out some of the radical positions that Vice President Kamala Harris holds, including her “inhumane” position on abortion, describing the gruesome reality of what the Democrat presidential nominee actually supports.

Speaking to Breitbart News Saturday, Carson laid out some of the positions Harris holds, which he believes need to be exposed. One of those is her position on abortion, and he spoke about this issue from his standpoint as a neurosurgeon who has operated on premature babies.

“She needs to explain why she is pro-abortion right up until the time of birth and, at the same time [as] asking her to explain that, explain to people what an abortion actually is. You know, as a pediatric neurosurgeon, I operate on a lot of premature babies,” he said, explaining that he uses anesthesia because the babies can feel pain.

“Late-term abortion, you’re actually reaching into the uterus with a forcep, grabbing a part of that baby, twisting and pulling and ripping it off — a human being who can actually feel that pain,” he said, explaining that Harris needs to explain why it is okay to take that “radical” and “inhumane” position.

“Those are the kind of questions we need to ask them,” he said, blasting her for a range of other positions, as well, including her support of a green energy bill and her lack of support for border security measures.


Breitbart · Dr. Ben Carson – August 10, 2024

Ultimately, Carson said Republicans must make Harris face the music and explain herself and her positions.

“How she would not prosecute some of the drug dealers. How she prevented some of the foreign illegal immigrants who were here, who were selling drugs, from being deported. How she was the one behind allowing people to go into stores” and take a certain amount of stuff without being “criminally prosecuted,” he continued, adding, “How she established a fund to bail out the people who were burning down Minneapolis.”

“Don’t just necessarily tell people what they say, show them what they said. I think this would be a very powerful way to get the point across,” Carson said.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.