Gov. Tim Walz signed a law that strips parental protections from out-of-state teenagers and children who claim to want irreversible transgender medical treatment in Minnesota.
He also signed laws that install tampon-dispensing machines in K-12 schools to broadcast the state’s claim that teenage girls can choose their legal sex, and also a law that allows pedophilia to be someday legally protected under existing state anti-discrimination laws.
President Donald Trump’s campaign is eagerly spotlighting Walz’s pro-transgender advocacy, and is describing him as “#TamponTim.”
“As a woman, I think there is no greater threat to our health than leaders who support gender-transition surgeries for young minors, who support putting tampons in men’s bathrooms in public schools,” campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told Fox News on Tuesday. “Those are radical policies that Tim Walz supports.”
“Kamala Harris’s selection … of Tim Walz as her running mate sends a clear message to America: the Democrat Party is all in on its far-left cultural agenda,” said a statement from the American Principles Project. The project has promised to spend $18 million during the 2024 election to spotlight the Democrats’s pro-transgender priorities.
Rep. Walter Hudson, the GOP representative in Minnesota’s District 30A, described the law that strips parental protections — HF146 — in an April tweet:
The Democrat legislator who championed the parent-stripping law is Rep. Leigh Finke, a man who insists that he is a transgender woman. He promotes the “trans refuge” law to encourage more irreversible transgender surgeries and hormone treatment for children and adults in the state.
Minnesota’s media described the pro-surgery bill, which Walz signed in March 2024, as a bill to “protect gender-affirming health care access.” Multiple studies, however, show that “transgender” surgeries and hormones increase the suicide rate of damaged people.
Walz dismissed the bill’s opponents as irrational haters, saying, “In this state, hate has no home. In this state, love and acceptance is what we preach and we will live by that.”
Similar parent-stripping laws have been adopted in other Democratic-run states, including Kamala Harris’ adopted state of California.
Harris is also a long-standing supporter of the transgender ideology. The ideology says the government should enable adults and children to freely change sexes, regardless of the many biology-based civic norms developed to help the two equal, different, and complementary sexes.
Democratic politicians back the bills because their base of liberal supporters fervently believe governments must help adults and children become what they prefer to be, even if those goals are dangerous and disruptive to other Americans.
The ideology is increasingly unpopular among ordinary Americans. For example, a November 2023 poll of 1,000 likely California voters showed that 62 percent of respondents believe that a person’s sex is either male or female, not “transgender.”
Walz also signed the K-12 tampon bill in 2023, which says:
A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, “menstrual products” means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.
The tampon bill is expected to cost $2 million.
Once installed, the tampons provide another inducement for unhappy and disturbed teenage girls to declare that they want to be treated as if they are boys. However, in a few schools in Connecticut and Illinois, boys have removed the tampon machines from their bathrooms.
Minnesota parents have vigorously protested Walz’s pro-transgender rules, which were pushed through the state assembly by narrow — but determined and united — Democratic majorities.
“The worst part is that Walz claims to care about kids, but his policies have done nothing but hurt kids,” a Minnesota, mother of three children told The “Walz is a loyal soldier for the progressive movement, and will advance that cause, no matter the cost to Minnesotan families and children,” said Jeannine Buntrock.
The Minnesota Family Council has also fought against Walz’s pro-transgender policies. “So-called ‘gender-affirming healthcare’ is in reality a way in which the medical establishment victimizes vulnerable young people, often with lifelong negative health effects,” John Helmberger, the group’s CEO, told
“Walz has relentlessly attacked families and pushed gender insanity,” said the APP statement “He has thrown his support behind efforts to eviscerate parental rights, inject gender ideology and other far-left ideas into schools, and open up girls’ sports and private spaces to males.”
“Under his watch, Minnesota has become one of the most dangerous states in America for parents,” the group said.
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