Poll: 68% Believe Kamala Harris Was ‘a Great Deal’ Involved in Covering Up Joe Biden’s Health

Biden Kamala Harris
Erin Scott/White House

Most Americans say Vice President Kamala Harris was a “great deal involved” in the coverup of President Joe Biden’s health, according to a YouGov/Times survey.

The survey asked, “To what extent, if at all, were the following involved in covering up Biden’s health?” It listed several options: Harris, the news media, the Biden family, Democrats in Congress, and White House staff.

It found that a majority of respondents believe that every single entity listed was “a great deal involved” in the coverup of the true state of Biden’s health.

For instance, 84 percent say the Biden family had been involved “a great deal” in covering up Biden’s health, 59 percent say the same of the news media, 61 percent believe the same of Democrats in Congress, and 77 percent think the same of White House staff.

Perhaps most notable is the fact that blame is placed on Harris, whom Biden has tapped to replace him in the 2024 presidential election. Sixty-eight percent say she was involved “a great deal” in covering up Biden’s health, followed by 17 percent who think that she was somewhat involved in the coverup. Another seven percent believe she was “a little” involved in the coverup, and only four percent believe she was not involved at all.

Harris was caught as late as 2024 proclaiming that Biden was in good shape. When asked in February if she was ready to step into the role as president if needed, Harris said she was but quickly added, “Thank God our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term.”

Harris has also described Biden as “bold and vibrant,” asserting that “age is more than a chronological fact.” She also said Biden is “probably one of the boldest and strongest American presidents we have had in his response to the needs of the American people.”

In another interview, Harris dismissed concerns over Biden’s age, stating, “Joe Biden’s gonna be fine.” She also forcefully dismissed concerns as nothing more than a Republican tactic to distract from Biden’s so-called “accomplishments.”

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The survey was conducted among 1,170 U.S. registered voters from July 22-23, 2024. It has a margin or error of ± 3.2 percent.


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