Biden-Harris Administration Issues Proposed Rule to Get Illegals into College Prep Programs

US President Joe Biden, left, and Vice President Kamala Harris on the Truman Balcony of th
Tierney L. Cross/Bloomberg via Getty Images

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s Department of Education is issuing a proposed rule to open taxpayer-funded college preparatory programs to illegal aliens. The programs were initially intended for low-income young Americans.

In July, the Department of Education rolled out its proposed rule to expand federal TRIO programs to illegal aliens — particularly those enrolled in and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, whom Democrats refer to as “DREAMers” because they would receive amnesty under the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act.

The proposed rule seeks to get illegal aliens into TRIO programs, such as the Talent Search program, the Educational Opportunity Centers program, and the Upward Bound program, which were created and meant for low-income Americans from disadvantaged backgrounds.

“The Biden-Harris administration’s proposal would take college preparatory aid away from American citizens and give it to illegal aliens,” Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) told Breitbart News.

Banks, as Breitbart News exclusively reported, introduced the “American Students First Act” to prevent the Biden-Harris administration from offering TRIO programs to illegal aliens.

“Instead of waiting until 2025 for this America Last policy to be reversed, House Republicans should pass my bill to protect working American families’ access to college aid,” Banks said.

House Education and Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said that while costs are skyrocketing for college students, the Biden-Harris administration is focused on benefits for illegal aliens.

“There’s a laundry list of problems facing students and postsecondary education today: Costs are soaring, the FAFSA rollout has been butchered, anti-semitism is running rampant across college campuses, just to name a few,” Foxx said. “But what is the Biden administration focused on? Siphoning resources away from low-income American citizens by stretching college-prep programs thin to cover illegal immigrants. [Emphasis added]”

Mass immigration serves as a billion-dollar profit pipeline for American colleges and universities. In the 2023 school year, for example, more than one million foreign students — from visa-holders to illegal aliens — were enrolled in colleges and universities in the United States.

These colleges and universities rake in an estimated $9 billion annually from foreign students, including illegal aliens, via tuition costs and fees.

Already, the sanctuary states of Oregon and California have received waivers from the Department of Education to use federal taxpayer money to offer TRIO programs to illegal aliens.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


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