Exclusive — David Urban: JD Vance Is ‘One of Us,’ Will Help Us Win

Republican vice presidential candidate, U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) waves on stage on the
Scott Olson/Getty

Former President Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance is “one of us,” former adviser to Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign David Urban said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday following the Republican National Convention.

Urban talked about Vance’s speech and noted that his family and his history resonate with a lot of Americans who have dealt with a messy family life, noting he just rewatched Hillbilly Elegy.

“My wife and I were watching this last night. We were saying like, everybody in America who sits on their asses and expects you know, government cheese and handout and subsidies and free college needs to watch that movie and realize that greatness can be accomplished with a little effort,” he said, explaining that JD Vance is “the embodiment of that story.”

He said that story will resonate to Americans in his home state of Pennsylvania, particularly.

“That message will resonate because he is one of us. … He is a person who not that long ago, was washing dishes,” he said.

“He was a person that not that long ago, didn’t have many options,” he said.

“Do you think he was counting on Joe Biden [for a] handout to pay for his college?” he said, highlighting Vance’s service to the country, explaining that he achieved the American dream through blood, sweat, and tears.


“That’s the America we want to talk about — selfless service, sweat, sacrifice, hard work. Nobody gave him anything. That guy earned everything that he has gotten to date,” he said, predicting he will do an incredible job,

“And I can’t wait to stand shoulder to shoulder with him and talk to the men and women in western Pennsylvania,” he said, predicting he will be popular. “I guarantee people are gonna line up and want to meet him and talk to him. He’s going to help us.”

“And the reason that’s important, Matt, as you know this, and in ’16, we outperformed —  I showed the President a chart one time. It showed him these numbers that he achieved in these counties, right? I mean, crushed, crushed the Bushes in terms of turnout, Mitt Romney and McCain. Trump’s numbers were through the roof, right, in those small counties, right?” he said.

“There’s 67 counties in Pennsylvania, and you get 500 to 1,000 votes more, right? That’s what I’m talking about here. Each county just getting — another 500 people show up, another 1000 people show up, that’s how you become president. That’s how we win,” he said, adding, “And JD Vance is gonna help us do that.”

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.


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