Exclusive Interview with Peter Navarro Straight out of Prison: ‘Judgement Day Is Coming;’ If They Come for Trump and Me, ‘They Can Come for You’

M. Perdie, J. Knudsen / Breitbart News

Democrats clearly have not hesitated to weaponize the system of justice to put their political opponents in prison, and if they come for former President Donald Trump and his allies, they can “come for you,” former Trump adviser Peter Navarro said in an exclusive sit-down interview with Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday — the same day he was released from prison.

Navarro, who was imprisoned over a contempt of Congress charge, told Boyle that Democrats have clearly used lawfare and weaponized the system of justice to put their political opponents in prison.

“They haven’t hesitated to do that,” he said, as he experienced that firsthand, getting out of federal prison Wednesday morning.

Navarro detailed the importance of speaking the truth while living in a world that is hostile toward conservatives, praising Breitbart News for shining through and illuminating the truth.

“Tonight, when I give my speech, and just walking around, I’ve got a very simple message, ‘They can come for me, as they surely did. They can come for Donald Trump, as they surely are. They can come for you.’ And the tagline in my speech tonight’s going to be, ‘If we don’t control our government, their government will control us,'” he said, making it clear that he is “living proof” that the Democrats can use the weaponized system of “injustice” and lawfare to put their political opponents in prison.

“They haven’t hesitated to do that. They need to be held accountable for that. That’s not the America that I grew up in. That’s not the America we want to be in. We want to be in Trump’s America, not Joe Biden’s America,” he said.

Navarro pointed out that they put both him and Steve Bannon, in prison and have “literally” shot at the president.

“Judgment day is coming. Accountability is coming. It’s called Election Day. Ok? So now listen, everybody here, I don’t care how good it looks like now. … You gotta run like we’re behind. And, so, I’m gonna come down a few states, including the one I’m sitting right now,” he said of Wisconsin, blasting President Joe Biden.

“He put me in prison. Let’s be clear. There’s a list of about 20 individuals — people, people put me in prison. They’re all Democrats. He’s on the list because it’s a critical time in the process of Congress moving to hold me in contempt. Joe Biden stripped me of executive privilege. It was unconstitutional. He couldn’t do it, and Justice Kavanaugh has weighed in in my favor on that. But, one of my messages here, and I’m going to try to spread this for the next few days, is that if we’re going to win in November, we can’t just unify the Republican Party. We have to unify this country,” he said.

“So, my message — and a lot of that is in this book — is that we need to reach out to every Democrat who’s disengaged” or “disenfranchised” or “disgusted with Biden and the radical left,” he added, referencing his book The New Maga Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform.


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