Operation Replace Biden Is a Go

David Lienemann/Official White House Portrait

The following content is sponsored by The Freeport Society.

The debate might have just been the final deathblow to Biden’s re-election hopes.

In just 12 hours after the debate, the odds of Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race jumped by 105 percent. And it’s not just Republicans thinking Biden should drop out. In a post-debate Morning Consult poll, three in five respondents – including 47 percent of likely Democratic voters – said Biden should be replaced by another Democrat.

Even Biden supporter and billionaire investor Mark Cuban said he wants to see polling to “find out if there are any potential replacements” who could outperform Trump in a hypothetical match-up.

So, what happens if the Democrats decide to remove Biden from the ballot?

Wall Street insider and frequent guest at Mar-a-Lago Louis Navellier has been touting the Democrat’s plan to remove Biden from the 2024 presidential ticket since December 2023, when he released his viral video.

For decades, Louis Navellier has helped the financial elite avoid some of the worst financial bloodbaths in American history – including the Black Monday crash in 1987, the dot-com crash in 2000, and even the 2008 financial crisis.

These days, when he delivers a message about how to invest, he gets attention.

Even though he frequently appears on national news to deliver his expertise, Navellier wanted to make sure that he got this message out as soon as possible so that folks like you can be prepared for what’s to come before August 19.

Navellier says that the Democrats could very well appoint this “shadow candidate” to take Biden’s place.

Based on the track record of this “shadow candidate,” this person would likely bring on a slew of socialistic policies that support the welfare state while taking money out of the pockets of hard-working Americans.

To get details on this “shadow candidate” and the steps you need to take to prepare, click here.


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