Milwaukee 2024 Host Committee Smashes Records with $85 Million Haul

This aerial photo shows Fiserv Forum decorated for the Republican National Convention in M

The Milwaukee 2024 Host Committee, a non-partisan and non-profit organization tasked with welcoming the 2024 Republican National Convention to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has smashed fundraising records with an $85 million haul.

According to a press release, “The total represents a record amount raised by any Host Committee for a Republican convention in history.” The money is to be used for covering the cost of what the release described as “major venues, transportation, welcome party, closing party, and other large contract expenses associated with hosting the convention in Milwaukee.”

Reince Priebus, Chairman of the MKE 2024 Host Committee, said that the amount of support for the quickly-approaching convention is “bigger than I ever imagined.”

He continued:

…and I’m proud of the work that the Host Committee did to reach this historic milestone. Local organizations in Wisconsin have played an integral role in supporting the Host Committee because they know that this convention is a great way to put Milwaukee on the map.

Priebus  explained that the money will be “injected into our community to help throw this event.”

“We’re excited to greet the tens of thousands of guests traveling here next week and show them what Milwaukee has to offer,” he continued.

Republican National Committee (RNC) chair Michael Whatley celebrated what he described as the committee’s “record-breaking work” in a coinciding statement, adding, “Our delegates are going to travel from all over the country to experience Milwaukee, and we’re excited to see the very best of the Badger State.”

The Republican National Convention and Trump campaign this week announced the key themes for the gathering — where Trump will formally be chosen as the Republican nominee for president — taking place July 15-18, 2024. Each theme is rooted in former President Donald Trump’s original goal, Make America Great Again.

As Breitbart News detailed:

Monday’s theme, for instance, will be “Make America Wealthy Once Again.” The contrast between Trump’s administration and Biden’s could not be more clear, as Trump’s America First economic policies “slashed cumbersome regulations, cut tax rates, and reworked trade deals to create a fairer playing field for American industry and workers,” per the press release. It noted that the progress has been totally reversed under Biden’s leadership.

Tuesday’s theme is “Make America Safe Once Again,” which will highlight what the press release described as the “dystopian nightmares” across the country at Biden’s hands. This includes the reality of illegal immigrant crime and the left’s soft-on-crime policies.

The following day, the theme will be “Make America Strong Once Again,” focusing on rebuilding America’s standing globally. The press release points to the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the Hamas-Israeli war, and threats from China and Iran.

The theme for the final day of the convention will be “Make America Great Once Again.”


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