State and Local Dems Call for Biden to Step Aside Amid Mounting Concerns

President Joe Biden meets with Indonesia's President Joko Widodo in the Oval Office of the
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

As President Joe Biden continues to face calls for him to withdraw from the presidential election and concerns arise about whether he has the mental and physical fitness to serve another term, state and local Democrats are feeling the pressure and are calling for Biden to step aside.

New York Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado (D), Rep. Pat Ryan (D-NY), and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) were among the growing numbers of Democrats that have called for Biden to withdraw from the race in order for a “nominee capable of re-invigorating and re-energizing Americans” to step forward on the Democrat side.

“President Biden deserves our eternal gratitude for what he has accomplished,” Delgado said in a statement. “By defeating Donald Trump in 2020, and leading our nation’s recovery out of the pandemic, he has helped to restore faith in America both at home and abroad.”

Delgado added that there was “no greater threat to” the democracy of the United States “than former President Donald Trump.”

“He must be defeated. That is why I join with millions of Americans – including everyday New Yorkers from all walks of life – who are expressing legitimate concerns about President Biden’s ability to wage a successful campaign against Trump,” Delgado added.

The Lieutenant Governor of New York added that he believed the Democrat Party “should move forward with a nominee capable of re-invigorating and re-energizing Americans who are determined to protect our democracy, and who want to do so with a candidate they believe can win.”

Ryan, who took over Delgado’s seat after he became the lieutenant governor of the state, wrote in a post on X that while Biden was “a patriot” he was “no longer the best candidate to defeat Trump.”

“Trump is an existential threat to American democracy; it is our duty to put forward the strongest candidate against him,” Ryan wrote. “Joe Biden is a patriot but is no longer the best candidate to defeat Trump. For the good of our country, I am asking Joe Biden to step aside — to deliver on his promise to be a bridge to a new generation of our leaders.”

On Wednesday, Blumenthal told reporters that he was “deeply concerned about” Biden winning in the upcoming presidential election against former President Donald Trump. Blumenthal added that Biden had his “support” as the presidential nominee for the Democrat Party.

“I am deeply concerned about Joe Biden winning this November because it is an existential threat to the country if Donald Trump wins,” Blumenthal said. “So, I think that we have to reach a conclusion as soon as possible. And, I think, Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee has my support.”

Since the June 27 presidential debate between Biden and Trump, where the president appeared to freeze, had trouble getting through his prepared closing statement without errors, and spoke with a hoarse voice, Biden has faced mounting pressure and calls for him to “step aside” and withdraw from the race.

After holding an in-person and virtual meeting with Democrat governors last week, Biden held a call on Tuesday night with the Democratic Mayors Association.

During the call with roughly 200 Democrat mayors, Biden “laid out his vision for a second term,” according to CBS News.

Biden has remained adamant that he is not dropping out of the presidential race.


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