Exclusive — John MacArthur: ‘There’s an Insanity Loose in Our Culture’ and Leftists Are Targeting Children

AUSTIN, TEXAS - MARCH 11: Drag Queen Brigitte Bandit speaks with Keanya Philyan, 5, during
Brandon Bell/Getty

There is an “insanity loose in our culture,” as the radical left is targeting children, John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

MacArthur, author of The War on Children: Providing Refuge for Your Children in a Hostile World, discussed what he views as one of the negative turning points in the nation, pointing directly to a specific sequence of events.

He cited the first chapter in Romans, explaining that he draws his authority from the Word of God.

“The apostle Paul writes that the wrath of God is revealed against a society when there’s a sequence, and the first sequence is a sexual revolution. And three times, the Bible says God gave them over when there’s a sexual revolution. And this is repeated through history — nation after nation after nation when there’s a sexual revolution, it says God gave them up to immorality, followed by a homosexual revolution, and God gave them up to the consequences of that behavior, and then it’s followed by a third part,” he said, identifying that as a “reprobate mind — a mind that doesn’t function.”

So when you see it, when you see a society that has had a sexual revolution, a homosexual revolution, and a reprobate mind, meaning they don’t think right — and I used to wonder, what is that? Well, it might be when you try to turn a boy into a girl or a girl into a boy. I can’t think of anything more insane than that, and you might mutilate them in the process,” he said.


“There’s an insanity loose in our culture that is the exact sequence going from a sexual revolution — go back to the Playboy era — the homosexual revolution, which we all know very much about, which has taken over, leading into the transgender which is the insanity. And it’s at that point that you can say, at least in Romans [chapter] one, God gave them over. God gave them over. God takes his hand off at that point. And so there’s a forfeiture by that culture of divine blessing. And they put themselves in a serious position before God. So I look at the those kind of three sequential steps as the most defining, from a biblical standpoint, the most defining things as to why this culture is where it is,” he explained, noting that it is absolute insanity that the government and the president prioritize and protect those targeting children in these ways.

As they talked more about society targeting children, host Mike Slater said, “I’ll know we hit rock bottom when we do actual satanic ritualistic sacrifice — a million aborted babies is horrific, but like putting in front of the altars of Baal. And it turns out the other day, the President of El Salvador talked about how MS-13 gang members are doing satanic rituals on children. It’s like, oh, like we’re here. And you go into really important detail on the history of that.”

MacArthur said that is “rock bottom.”

“You take basically the most defenseless, the most innocent, the most helpless of all humanity, and you, you murder them, or you maim them, or you mutilate them, or you pervert them. This is the worst,” he said.

“Even Israel got involved in sacrificing their children to Molech, and God said to them — even [to]the pagans who sacrificed their children to Baal or Molech — those are my children. There’s an interesting statement that God made about pagan people’s children, and Jesus said the same thing when he picked up a little child in his arms and said, allow this child to come to me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. There’s a sense in which children belong to God in a very unique way,” he said.

He further explained the fall of society. “It starts out with immorality, and then it becomes perverse sexuality in some form or another. You can see that in ancient history as well. And then you there’s only one more step, and that’s to insanity. That’s where you wind up mutilating children, killing children, using children. You know, when the gay lobby says we’re coming after your children, that’s a warning from hell,” he said.

“They’re [children] to be offered up for whatever purposes the culture wants. If it’s blood sacrifice, so be it; if it’s to change the nature of society, to change culture — I mean, if you want to change the culture, you go for the kids,” MacArthur warned, noting that the church must step in to assist parents in fighting off the perverse culture targeting children.

“It’s a target. It’s not incidental. It’s a target. They want to sell everything that they have economically and morally or immorally to the children. They’re the least able to resist the impact. So parents have to take on a defense mode,” he added, noting that decades ago, American culture and society were more helpful to parents “because there was honor in the society and integrity, and things that were right were clearly right, and things that were wrong were clearly wrong.”

“That’s all been turned upside down and inside out. To say, you know, I want to let my kid make his own decision in this environment is basically the most irresponsible thing a parent could do,” he added.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


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