President Joe Biden is going to be the Democrat nominee despite initial leftist panic in the aftermath of Thursday’s debate, Trump senior adviser Jason Miller said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Miller said it is ironic that the same Democrats and members of the establishment media who were accusing the Trump campaign and supporters of spreading “cheap fakes” — viral videos showcasing Biden’s decline — are now saying, “‘Joe, it might be time for you to move on,’ or, ‘This wasn’t too good of a look.'”

“So, let’s go through some of the people in a very dangerous level who’ve been covering up on this,” he said, pointing to Vice President Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“All of these people who are at the highest levels of government who’ve seen every day that Joe Biden … that he’s not there … they’ve been lying and covering this up, even going back to 2020 with the media. They knew Biden wasn’t right then. They colluded on the Hunter Biden laptop. They colluded on the 51 intelligence officers. They have known this all along. It’s all been part of the cover-up,” he said, echoing what many Republicans have said, explaining that replacing Biden is simply not realistic at this point.

“Regardless of what anybody wants, the fact of the matter is Joe Biden’s gonna be the Democrat nominee. You’re not going to force him out. Some 3,700 of the 3,800 regular Democrat delegates to the convention are bound to Biden on the first ballot. So, you’re not going to force him out,” Miller explained.


Breitbart · Jason Miller – June 29, 2024

“But, as far as Biden personally, he’s not going to choose to go and step aside. That would mean his entire career is a disgrace,” Miller continued. “That would also mean that the end of the Biden family business would finally be here. Who else, then, would the Bidens have to sell access to? They’re not going to stop that gravy train.”

That being said, Miller said former President Donald Trump will be “ready” for a second debate with Biden, “if it comes to that.”

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.