Florida Democrats Protest Republicans with 20-Foot IUD Display

U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost speaks in front of a 20-foot-plus inflatable IUD at Orlando City H
Rich Pope/Orlando Sentinel/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

Florida Democrats opted to protest Republicans and their supposed “efforts to block contraception and IVF” with a 20-foot IUD display, bragging about the spectacle on social media.

“SPOTTED: The 20-foot IUD in Orlando today,” Florida Democrats wrote on X last week, sharing an image of the scene which took place outside of Orlando City Hall.

“State and local elected officials came together at City Hall, calling out Republicans for their efforts to block contraception and IVF,” Florida Democrats added:

The Democrats saw a bit of backlash on social media.

“Democrats are obsessed with vaginas but also think men can have them,” one user said.

“And you clowns wonder why the democrat party is completely irrelevant in Florida lol keep it up,” another remarked.

“LOL wtf is this,” one asked as another remarked, “How embarrassing.”

The protest comes months after former President Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, released his official position on abortion, asserting that it should be left up to the states.

“My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both, and whatever they decide, must be the law of the land,” Trump said at the time.

“This is all about the will of the people. You must follow your heart or in many cases, your religion or your faith. Do what’s right for your family, and do what’s right for yourself,” he continued. “Do what’s right for your children. Do what’s right for our country, and vote — so important to vote. At the end of the day, it’s all about the will of the people.”

WATCH — Warren: If Trump Wins Republicans “Are Coming After Abortion, Contraception, and IVF”:

His position drew mixed reactions from pro-life organizations, but now, controversy over in vitro fertilization (IVF) has come to the spotlight after the February decision of the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos are considered unborn children under state law. However, many Republicans are championing IVF, including Florida Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), whose reelection campaign released a seven-figure ad buy featuring a 30-second video supporting it.

“Politics today is just full of it. The attack ads say the same crazy stuff about every Republican. They hate women, birth control — even IVF. It’s ridiculous. Let’s get real. IVF in vitro fertilization has brought beautiful babies to so many families,” Scott says in the ad, adding that it is “personal” for him because his youngest daughter has been going through IVF treatments.

“I’m Rick Scott and this grandpa will always protect IVF. You can count on that,” he said.



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