San Francisco Mayoral Debate: Democrat Mayor Breed Asks Challenger to Name 3 Drag Queens

London Breed, mayor of San Francisco, during the first San Francisco mayoral debate at the
David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty

The mayoral debate in San Francisco, California, took a bizarre turn after Democrat Mayor London Breed asked her challenger to name three LGBTQ advisers to his campaign as well as three drag queens in the city or prove his loyalty to the cause.

Breed pitched the question during Monday’s debate, putting the five candidates on the same stage. They were each given the opportunity to ask a fellow candidate a question, and Breed used the opportunity to ask challenger Mark Farrell to prove his loyalty to the LGBTQ2S+ community by naming three drag queens in the city.

“I’d like to ask Mark a question. You were at the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club and couldn’t name any LGBT advisers to your campaign. You were at the debate last week and couldn’t name any drag queens on your own,” Breed said.

“I was wondering if you could — this is an opportunity to redeem yourself. And if you could name three LGBTQ advisers for your campaign and three drag queens in San Francisco,” she asked.

“We’re not going to revise the drag queen question from last week. But what I will say is I’m incredibly proud of support that I have former LGBTQ+ community here in the San Francisco,” he said, before noting that he has two members of his staff who are members of the “queer community.” However, he said he would not dignify the question by naming exactly who they are.

“But what I will do is stand by my record in supporting our queer community here in the city of San Francisco. When I was a member of the Board of Supervisors, as a straight white male, I was the one who authored legislation to make sure that same sex couples that work for the city of San Francisco, they were being taxed by our federal government for their health care benefits before same sex marriage was legalized,” Farrell said, touting himself as the one who “authored the legislation to make sure the city of San Francisco reimbursed those same sex couples so they are treated equally in the eyes of San Francisco residents equally in the eyes of San Francisco City Hall.”

“I will stand by my record of that, and I look forward to the continued support from our queer community throughout the city of San Francisco,” he added.

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Carlos Guillermo Smith/POLITICALLY+ /TMX

Ironically, when fellow challenger Daniel Laurie pitched what he described as “a softball” to Mayor Breed, asking her to her to name three non-profits that she cut due to poor performance, she ultimately said, “I can probably provide you a list of examples. I just don’t want to do it right here today.”


Mayor Breed made the national spotlight in September 2021 after openly partying at the city’s Black Cat nightclub without a mask, violating the city’s rules requiring “almost everyone” wear a face covering in indoor public areas. It served as yet another example of the elites refusing to follow their own rules at that time.

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@war24182236 via Storyful


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