Trump Leads in Overnight Poll Following Jury Verdict

Trump Hush Money
Angela Weiss/Pool Photo via AP

Former President Donald Trump is still leading President Joe Biden, an overnight poll conducted after the Manhattan jury deemed former President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts in his business records trial, found.

HarrisX conducted the overnight poll May 30 through May 31. Notably, the jury’s verdict was revealed Thursday afternoon.

The survey asked, “If the 2024 election for president were held today and it was between Donald Trump, the Republican and Joe Biden, the Democrat, who would you vote for?”

In a head-to-head matchup, Trump leads Biden by one point — 43 percent to Biden’s 42 percent. Another 14 percent remain undecided. A single percentage point also separates the two among independents, as 35 percent go for Biden and 34 percent go for trump. Another 31 percent remain undecided.

When leaners are included, Trump jumps to a two-point lead over Biden, garnering 51 percent to Biden’s 49 percent support. However, Biden sees a two-point advantage among independents, specifically.

In a matchup including third-party candidates, Trump still leads with 40 percent support to Biden’s 38 percent support — a two-point advantage. Another 11 percent go for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., followed by one percent for independent candidate Cornel West and one percent for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Another eight percent remain unsure.

When leaners are involved, Trump sees 43 percent support, compared to 41 percent for Biden, 13 percent for Kennedy, two percent for West, and two percent for Stein.

Further, the survey asked, “Do you think the prosecutions of Donald Trump are fair and unbiased or are they politically motivated?” A slight majority, 51 percent, said they believe they prosecutions are politically motivated.

Additionally, the survey showed that most, 54 percent, believe Trump’s trials in heavy Democrat jurisdictions — including New York — should be moved to a new location “to avoid real or perceived bias.”

The survey was taken among 1,006 registered and has a +/- 3.1 percent margin of error.

It comes as anti-Trumpers and the establishment media hype the phrase “convicted felon” in hopes of dissuading voters from supporting Trump come November.

RELATED — Mainstream Media Hypes Calling Trump “A Convicted Felon”

But many, including possible VP contender, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), believe people are finally saying “enough is enough” following the verdict.

“But the whole idea of America is yeah, we have some intense debates from time to time. We fight with one another and we argue with one another. But at the end of the day, you try to persuade the American voter. You don’t try to throw your rivals in prison. … That is Banana Republic. That is the reason why we fight wars — to prevent from becoming the very thing that Joe Biden is trying to do to this country,” Vance said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

“And I just I agree with you, I think a lot of just normal people, they don’t pay attention to politics as closely as you and I do. They’re saying enough is enough. We’ve had it. This is crazy, and we’re gonna fight back, ” the senator added.

For greater perspective, Trump raised a historic $53 million in the 24 hours after the verdict was read in his business records trial.

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