Republicans’ online donation website was so overwhelmed in the minutes after a Manhattan jury found Donald Trump guilty that its functionality was incapacitated.

WinRed, the Republican Party’s official online donation platform, reportedly shut down after high traffic following the verdict.

The Manhattan jury found Trump guilty on all 34 counts, with Judge Juan Merchant setting sentencing for July 11 – only four days before the Republican National Convention assembles to formally nominate Trump.

WinRed’s link to donate to Trump’s campaign led to a page indicating an error had taken place with the website’s host. Other reports have GOP sources confirming the platform is “overwhelmed.”

Republicans rallied behind Trump after the verdict, with many choosing to find silver linings, the subsequent skyrocketing fundraising among them.

“The bad news is today the Biden leftists in New York made a mockery of our criminal justice system,” Sen. Marco Rubio tweeted. “The good news is Americans have sent Trump over $50 million since this travesty and his deranged enemies just elected Trump for President again!”

Lee Zeldin, the former Congressman and Trump ally who chairs the Leadership America Needs PAC, tweeted after the verdict that he “just secured a $800k donation from someone for President Trump’s Joint Fundraising Committee. Never experienced a massive ask that easy.”

Trump’s fundraising push is certain to continue in the aftermath of the verdict, which will certainly be appealed. Trump’s allies, including many on Capitol Hill, are encouraging Americans to donate to Trump.

“The best way to fight back right now against the sham trial is to donate to the Trump campaign,” Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) tweeted.

Bradley Jaye is a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News. Follow him on X/Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.