Poll: Potential Trump Conviction Would Not Lift Biden’s Lagging Support

(INSET: Joe Biden) US President Donald Trump speaks with reporters at the White House in W
Jim Watson/AFP/Getty, Spencer Platt/Getty

President Joe Biden’s historically low polling numbers would not receive a boost if former President Donald Trump is potentially found guilty in any legal case against him, a poll shows.

The poll appears to contradict a narrative that a potential Trump conviction would somehow boost Biden’s fledgling poll numbers. Biden’s support is around 40 percent. Incumbents with an approval rating of 50 percent or greater historically win reelection.

The poll also indicates a small percentage of Trump’s current support would move to the undecided column should a Manhattan jury convict him.

Hypothetically, Trump could re-earn those undecided voters back into his column after the shock of a potential conviction wears off. Trump, along with some Republican lawmakers and conservative pundits, believe evidence shows Biden’s White House is involved in the several prosecutions of Trump.

A potential conviction would not greatly hurt or help Biden, a Leger poll reported by the New York Post shows:

  • Biden’s current support: 45 percent
  • Biden’s support upon conviction and imprisonment: 45 percent
  • Biden’s support upon only conviction: 44 percent
  • Biden’s support if Trump found innocent: 44 percent

The poll found that Trump’s support would shift to undecided (not Biden) upon a potential conviction:

  • Trump’s current support: 46 percent
  • Trump’s support upon conviction and imprisonment: 37 percent
  • Trump support upon only conviction: 39 percent
  • Biden’s support if Trump found innocent: 46 percent

The poll sampled 1,008 adults from April 26-28 with a 3.09 point margin of error.

Trump’s ongoing criminal trial in Manhattan is perhaps the only case in which a jury could find him guilty before November.

Increasing numbers of Americans see the criminal trial of Trump as irrelevant to his fitness for reelection, a CNN poll found Friday, and only 13 percent believe Trump is being treated the same as other “criminal defendants.”

“They have no case, and we have a very conflicted judge, unfortunately,” Trump told reporters Thursday. “There is no case, and it should have never been brought.”

A majority of Americans doubt Trump’s criminal trial will conclude with a fair outcome, the CNN poll found. Only about one-third of American adults believe Trump did anything illegal regarding the case, an AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll showed.

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former GOP War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.


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