Foreign students should have their visas canceled if they are engaging in antisemitic protests, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told the press on Monday, adding that U.S. students who are doing the same should be expelled from colleges and universities.

Discussing the pro-terror, pro-Palestinian demonstrations at various U.S. campuses across the country, DeSantis said he believes the Justice Department should be involved, going to those universities.

“This is unacceptable to have this type of antisemitism where it’s not just bad speech; they’re really targeting Jewish students. It’s a hostile environment and violates the civil rights of those students, and these universities, they just aren’t willing to do what needs to be done,” the governor said, noting that Florida state universities have a code of conduct granting the “right to protest” but not the right to “harass other people.”

“You don’t have a right to put a target on someone’s back based on their religion or ethnicity. And if you’re doing those things, you’re going to be shown the door,” he said.

“I think the students — if they’re foreign students on visas, their visa should be canceled, and they should be sent home,” he said to applause.

American students who violate the code of conduct should be expelled, he added, explaining that real consequences will prompt a change in behavior.

“Right now in higher education, particularly in those schools up there, the inmates run the asylum. And so the students do this stuff, knowing there’s not gonna be any repercussions,” he said.

Students and pro-Palestinian activists gather outside of Columbia University to protest the university’s stance on Israel on April 18, 2024, in New York City (Spencer Platt/Getty Images).

“The minute there’s repercussions, you will start to see a change in behavior. And so I think what’s going on up there, it’s disgraceful, but I think Biden has been very weak in basically allowing that to happen without getting the Department of Education and Department of Justice involved, which I would have done that,” the governor added.


His remarks come on the heels of Columbia University’s Orthodox rabbi Elie Buechler warning Jewish students to “return home as soon as possible and remain home until the reality in and around campus has dramatically improved” as pro-terrorist, anti-Jewish demonstrations continue:

The Biden administration has condemned the calls for violence and intimidation, but it has largely ended there, with just words. Meanwhile it is getting so bad on campus that Columbia canceled all in-person classes Monday.

RELATED:  NYPD Officers Arrest Anti-Israel Protesters Taking over Columbia University Campus