Nolte: Snickers Hits Back at Joe Biden over State of the Union Smear

Snickers or Snickers-type candy bar (1) (1)
iStock/Getty Images Plus; inset Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty

The makers of Snickers released a statement Monday hitting back at Joe Biden for smearing the candymaker during last week’s State of the Union address.

His Fraudulency Joe Biden has deliberately done three things to explode inflation in America: 1) an insane amount of unjustified government spending, 2) reduced American energy production when increases in gas prices explode the costs of everything that uses energy to be produced and shipped, and 3) allowed millions upon millions of unvetted illegal border crossers to invade our country, which decreases wages and increases the cost of goods and housing. This is basic supply and demand—the more people, the more demand, the higher the costs.

Hoping to gaslight the public into believing he is not intentionally undermining their standard of living, Biden’s team has invented the term “shrinkflation,” which has nothing to do with inflation. All “shrinkflation” results in less product for the same cost. We’ve all seen it. But what are these corporations supposed to do? The cost of manufacturing and shipping has exploded under Biden, which gives them two options: price that box of Ritz Crackers out of reach or offer fewer crackers within a family budget price.

Listen, I’m no apologist for Big Business. Far from it. But reality is reality. Eggs are a perfect example. When Donald Trump was president, a dozen eggs cost me 99 cents. Last week, I paid over four bucks for that same dozen. But you can’t shrink eggs or a “dozen eggs,” so imagine that same sticker shock with everything.

So, yeah, because of Joe Biden, you’re getting fewer chips and cookies. Not an ideal situation, but better than the alternative, which is a box of Cheerios priced out of your family’s budget. All of this is squarely Biden’s fault. Nevertheless, during his State of the Union, Old Yeller said this:

Too many corporations raise their prices to pad their profits, charging you more and more for less and less. That’s why we’re cracking down on corporations that engage in price gouging or deceptive pricing from food to health care to housing. In fact, snack companies think you won’t notice when they charge you just as much for the same size bag but with fewer chips in it. You get charged the same amount and you got about 10% fewer Snickers in it. Pass Senator Bob Casey’s bill to put a stop to shrinkflation!


Biden wants the federal government to pass a bill that “empowers Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general to crack down on corporations reducing product size without a reduction in price.”

Yeah, that’s what we want the Feds doing…

The irony here is that Biden’s approval ratings would look even worse if corporations weren’t shrinking package size and we were all paying $9 for a box of Rice Krispies.

Anyway, on Monday, Snickers hit back:

We have not reduced the size of Snickers singles or share size in the U.S. Like many industries, we continue to face high inflation and spikes in material costs; however, we work to absorb these extra costs wherever possible to provide affordable treats and the best value. Final prices are always at the discretion of the retailer, but we make every effort to minimize costs to provide a full range of delicious products.

Let’s be honest… That’s a bit of a dodge. Hunter’s Dad was talking about how quantity has shrunk, such as fewer of those delicious bite-sized Snickers in a bag of those delicious bite-sized Snickers — and my guess is that the quantity has shrunk. But that is not the fault of Snickers. It is solely Biden’s fault and good for Snickers for pushing back.

Still, an honest statement would’ve read like this:

Hell, yes, there are fewer Snickers in every bag, President Roomba. What the hell do you want us to do? Charge $14 for a bag of candy bars? We do that, the only customers we’ll have are dilettante, silver-spooned, overpaid Bursima employees with the munchies. Maybe your time would be better spent closing the border, digging for oil, and cutting spending instead of sitting in the White House residence counting candy bars in the glow of Matlock. I swear there isn’t an ass we wouldn’t kiss for a mean tweet about now. 

But that’s just me.

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Borrowed Time soothed my aching heart in many ways. It made me think about the things that really matter in life and the things that don’t. It made me think about true love, about finding one person to spend your life with—something that has always eluded me. And it made me think about death, about why we need to believe there is a hereafter because, without it, life becomes unbearable.” —Sasha Stone, Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning.

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