Alex Marlow: Establishment Media Serve as ‘Tip of the Spear’ for the Global Elite, the Status Quo

(Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow told YouTuber Stephen Gardner that the establishment media get away with having “no credibility,” because they are “not a threat to the status quo,” and do not seriously investigate the corporate elite, China, and others in power.

“It goes deeper than anyone has ever gone, I think, in terms of what the motivations are for the establishment media,” Marlow said of his book, Breaking the News, which is soon being released as a second edition, featuring new material for 2024.

Watch Below:

“We know they’re liberal, we know they’re globalist — but it’s not just that,” Marlow continued. “They’re actually the tip of the spear for the corporate elite, status quo, Davos crowd – all of these people that their first line of defense is the establishment media.”

“I’ll give you a couple of illustrations that I use in the book, and I go into great detail on all these,” the editor-in-chief added, before launching into a few examples:

Take for example, NBC News — Joy Reed is on a network that has no credibility and very poor ratings. Rachel Maddow is the star of that network. Rachel Maddow comes off as a total kook, if you read the book, because I go through lie after lie after lie after lie that she tells straight-faced to her audience with road scholar-esq seriousness, and none of it’s true. There’s no consequences other than more ratings and more millions for her.

Now, how is this possible? Why would a news entity allow for this to happen? Because she’s not a threat to the status quo, because NBC’s main goal is to do international business. It’s a big conglomerate called NBC Comcast Universal. They do billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in business in the entertainment industry, sporting events, theme parks — many of this goes through China.

So if you want to know why no one ever got held accountable for the coronavirus, for the literal pandemic unleashed on us, well, take a look at NBC. Take a look at ABC, which is ABC Disney — you’ve got Disney, which is another woke corporation that is opening up theme parks in China, releasing movies in China.

“These are huge, huge entities that all represent a status quo, and the newsrooms are there to make sure that the most important people don’t get investigated, that’s number one,” Marlow said.

WATCH — Alex Marlow: Andrew Understood “People Have the Power,” “Media Is Generally Clueless”:


“Number two, that they hold that place, so that no one like me, for example — no one who actually wants to get to the bottom of stuff, no one like you, Stephen, who actually wants to ask some questions of people — that our power is held down,” he added.

The editor-in-chief went on to say that this is because the elite doesn’t want “to give us the international megaphones” that the establishment media have.

“Because we’re going to start getting answers to some of the questions we all have,” Marlow said, adding that the establishment media is specifically “designed to not get answers.”

“That’s the premise of the book,” Marlow said. “It goes so far beyond liberal bias.”

You can visit Stephen Gardner’s YouTube channel here.

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