Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) eclipses his primary opponents to be the next governor of Indiana, according to an internal poll for Braun’s campaign.

A Braun internal poll obtained by Breitbart News has Braun leading at 40 percent, former Indiana Secretary of Commerce Brad Chamber has five percent, Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch has 13 percent, Eric Doden – the former  Indiana Economic Development Corporation president – has three percent, former Attorney General Curtis Hill has five percent, and 30 percent of likely voters remain undecided.

The poll also found that  60 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of the Hoosier senator, which is only surpassed by 76 percent of those who have a favorable opinion of former President Donald Trump.

In contrast, a majority of likely voters polled did not know Chambers, Crouch, Doden, or Hill.

The poll’s executive summary states that Braun has only continued to garner support from Hoosier voters despite “unprecedented spending from opponents.”

The summary also said that Trump’s endorsement of Braun has bolstered his polling numbers:

The endorsement from President Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, has significantly bolstered Braun’s campaign, and will continue to provide opportunities for Braun to grow his support with voters who have a favorable opinion of Donald Trump.

Braun’s opponents have struggled to make a significant impact. Despite substantial efforts, their messaging has failed to gain traction among primary voters, as demonstrated in the tracking data below from three internal Braun polls. This is highlighted by Brad Chambers and Eric Doden spending a combined $9.5 million to remain in single digits.

Since announcing his campaign for the Republican nomination for Governor of Indiana in December of 2022, Mike Braun has dominated the field in every aspect, including fundraising, endorsements, and media presence, setting the stage for a robust finish in the final 110 days of the primary election.

“Now, more than ever, it is crucial for Indiana Republicans to unite behind Mike Braun. Our collective focus must be on winning the Indiana general election, aiding the GOP presidential nominee in defeating Joe Biden, and transforming Indiana into a beacon of freedom and opportunity,” the polling memo concluded. “This unity is not just about securing a victory in the gubernatorial race, but about upholding and advancing the conservative principles that are fundamental to our state’s future.”

Mike Braun for Indiana commissioned Mark It Red to conduct the internal poll, surveying 1,300 likely 2024 Republican primary voters from December 18-20 2023. 

Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.