Pregnant foreign nationals staked out in Mexico admit they are looking to cross the United States-Mexico border with “the goal” of securing birthright American citizenship for their anchor babies, a new report details.
The Associated Press (AP) interviewed foreign nationals living in shelters in Mexico, including a couple who are pregnant with their third child.
Their goal, the couple said, is to cross the border before they deliver their baby so that at least one of their children will have birthright citizenship as is currently allowed by the federal government.
The AP reports:
A few blocks from Mexico City’s main plaza — where Blinken will meet with López Obrador at the National Palace — migrants stayed at an improvised shelter at a church, gathering strength before continuing north. [Emphasis added]
David Peña, his two daughters and his pregnant wife, Maryeris Zerpa, hoped to reach the United States before the child is born in about a month. [Emphasis added]
“The goal is to cross over so the baby will be born there,” Peña said. But with no asylum appointment, he had no idea how the family will enter.
[Emphasis added]
The American-born children of illegal aliens, known commonly as “anchor babies,” are rewarded with birthright citizenship despite their parents having no legitimate ties to the United States, many having only recently arrived after crossing international borders.
Years later, when anchor babies become adults, they can sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards — anchoring their family in the U.S. for generations to come. The prize of birthright citizenship is so coveted among foreign nationals that birth tourism has become a lucrative business.
Today there are about 5.8 million anchor babies in the United States — a population that exceeds the annual number of American births.
The U.S. Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled that the American-born children of illegal aliens must be granted birthright citizenship, and many legal scholars dispute the idea.
Many leading conservative scholars argue the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment does not provide mandatory birthright citizenship to the American-born children of illegal aliens or noncitizens, because these children are not subject to United States jurisdiction as that language was understood when the 14th Amendment was ratified.
The United States and Canada are among only a handful of developed nations, mostly in North and South America, that have a birthright citizenship policy for anyone, regardless of immigration status, born within its physical borders.
Australia, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, and Spain, among other countries, reserve birthright citizenship for children born to at least one citizen parent.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.