Sixty-seven percent of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden’s economy, the top issue heading into the 2024 election, a recent CNN poll found, sparking concern among Democrats that the president’s so-called “Bidenomics” failed to deliver tangible results.
Biden’s approval rating on the economy in November is the second lowest of his presidency, the poll found:
- November 2023: 33 percent
- October 2023: 36 percent
- May 2023: 34 percent
- December 2022: 36 percent
- June 2022: 30 percent
- December 2021: 45 percent
- March 2021: 49 percent
The economy greatly ranked as the top issue:
- Economy: 42 percent
- Immigration: 12 percent
- Foreign policy: 10 percent
- Partisanship: 6 percent
- Crime: 6 percent
“They’re [White House] trying so hard with Bidenomics,” CNN’s Dana Bash claimed, analyzing the polling numbers.
“[They are] spending a lot of money on it to press the point that the economy is getting better — and voters aren’t buying it. It’s like, you have, they’re trying to tell people how to feel, and it doesn’t always work,” she said.
Democrats abandoned their economic catchphrase, “Bidenomics,” in recent weeks because it is reportedly an “ineffective” and “tone-deaf” messaging vehicle to hype Biden’s economy [emphasis added]:
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- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and House Majority PAC no longer use “Bidenomics.”
- Biden also dropped the catchphrase during his prepared speeches, NBC News reported: “He hasn’t used it in public remarks since Nov. 1.”
- Biden reportedly believed the phrase could “backfire” if the economy remained sluggish.
The poll sampled 1,795 respondents from November 1-30, 2023, and has a 3.2-point margin of error.
Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.
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