Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden by three points among “men of color” voters, a Tuesday CNN poll found, a “shocking” revelation for Democrats who hope the president can win reelection.

Forty-nine percent of “men of color” supported Trump, the poll found. Just 46 percent backed Biden.

The polling among black men shows a stark contrast from the 2020 election results:

The contrast is also stark among male Hispanic voters in 2020:

“Shocking, shocking,” said Van Jones, a CNN commentator. “The Black male, that’s a stunner. Black women have been in the lead, but Black men haven’t been that far behind.”

Overall, black voters favor Biden over Trump, along with Hispanic voters, but by a smaller margin, CNN analyzed:

Black voters favor Biden, 73% vs. Trump’s 23%, while Latino voters split 50% Biden to 46% Trump. And among voters of color generally, women divide 63% Biden to 31% Trump, while men split about evenly, 49% Trump to 46% Biden.

The poll sampled 1,272 voters from October 27-November 2 with a 3.3 margin of error.

The CNN survey is the latest negative poll for Biden. New York Times/Siena College polling found on Sunday the president’s support among nonwhite voters sank 33 points compared to 2020 election results [emphasis added]:

  1. Only 72 percent of black voters support Biden, along with only 47 percent of Hispanic voters.
  2. “The more diverse a state, the worse Biden does,” Axios reported on the polling [emphasis added].
  3. “Biden’s lead among Hispanics is in single digits in the 6 swing states polled (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin),” Axios reported [emphasis added]. “Democrats typically win among Hispanics by 30+ points.”
  4. Democrats lost ground among black and Hispanic voters in nearly every election in the last ten years.
  5. Biden is in the worst position among nonwhite voters since Walter Mondale in 1984.

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.