The following content is sponsored by Paradigm Press.

On Nov. 23, 2021 – just a few short months into his presidency – Joe Biden delivered a crushing blow to America’s national security.

That’s when, without the approval of Congress or the American people, Biden decided to drain nearly HALF of our nation’s strategic oil reserves.

This is oil that is only meant to be used in case of extreme emergencies like war or natural disaster…

And that is absolutely critical to our safety and security here at home.

But after seeing a spike in gas prices around the country, Biden chose to empty our oil coffers for political gain – to temporarily lower gas prices ahead of the midterm elections.

This despicable act alone puts us all at risk.

But it gets worse…

Nearly two million barrels of our emergency oil supply was sold directly to one of our greatest adversaries – communist China.

This is the same China that has been caught spying on American soil, that is cozy with other enemies like Russia and Iran, and that commits constant cyberattacks on unsuspecting Americans.

And if that weren’t shameful enough, there’s more.

Part of that oil was funneled through a company called Unipec, which has ties to the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

So, to break it all down:

It’s no wonder Congress launched an impeachment inquiry into Biden.

This is one of the most offensive moves by a sitting president in history.

But there is a silver lining.

Biden’s “War on American Energy” could actually be a good thing – for two important reasons

First, because these disgraceful acts could potentially cost Biden the 2024 election. And if so, we won’t have to suffer through another four years of his incompetent “leadership.”

But the second reason is even MORE important to you and every American citizen.

And it could help you protect yourself and your family – even in the face of a severe energy crisis this winter.

Click HERE to learn the truth about this critical situation NOW.