Nolte: 92NY Cancels Event with Anti-Israel Author Viet Thanh Nguyen

Viet Thanh Nguyen, Vietnamese writer, Milan, Italy, 20th October 2018. (Photo by Leonardo
Leonardo Cendamo/Getty Images

Anti-Israel writer Viet Thanh Nguyen is angry a Jewish organization canceled an upcoming event.

Just days after the savages in Hamas massacred, raped, kidnapped, and desecrated innocent Israeli citizens, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Nguyen signed a letter titled “An Open Letter on the Situation in Palestine” that demanded an end to the “unprecedented and indiscriminate violence” by Israel in Gaza, including “grave crimes against humanity.”

Nowhere did the letter mention the savagery committed by Hamas against Israel.

And now Nguyen is whining because 92NY, a Jewish organization described by the far-left New York Times as a “premier cultural venue,” decided against fêting a monster who saw what Hamas did and still sided against Israel.

“We are a Jewish institution that has always welcomed people with diverse viewpoints to our stage,” the 92NY organizers said in a statement. “The brutal Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel and the continued holding of hostages, including senior citizens and young children, has absolutely devastated the community.”

In a sane country, 92NY would not have to explain itself, but the group continued, “Given the public comments by the invited author on Israel and this moment, we felt the responsible course of action was to postpone the event[.]”


This Nguyen guy watched a gang of savages start a war against Israel by gleefully live-streaming war crimes straight out of the Holocaust, and he sided against Israel. Worse, he called for Israel to shut up and take it.

Naturally, Nguyen played the victim…

“The Israeli government and its supporters have sought to shut down any protest of Israel, including nonviolent ones like B.D.S., which helps lead to the current situation where some can only see violence as a solution,” he wrote on Instagram. “Even literature and the arts from Palestinians or sympathetic to them are being silenced.”

There is nothing peaceful about B.D.S., which stands for boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel… If that happens, Israel is doomed, and antisemites such as Nguyen know that.

And as far as canceling this event, I’m not only fine with that, but I also believe those who saw what Hamas did and immediately ran to their computers and the streets to denounce Israel should no longer have a place in polite society. Encouraging, emboldening, and siding with terrorism are well beyond the First Amendment and well beyond the idea of holding an unpopular political opinion. Through their words, deeds, and protests, these people are saying that what Hamas did was justified. I’m as tolerant as they come with unpopular political opinions, but people such as these should be blacklisted off the face of the earth.

And Nguyen is also a woke little crybully. This guy couldn’t even deal with Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino, which was all about overcoming hate and prejudice and not allowing grievances to fester against the innocent. Eastwood’s bigoted character sacrificed himself for his sins, and Nguyen still melted down over something as stupid (in the overall scheme of the movie) as the Eastwood character using a disparaging term for an East Asian.

The whole point of the character using the word was to show how much he’d morally matured throughout the movie as he got to know a Hmong family that moved in next door.

Nguyen also couldn’t deal with Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now.

Does anyone have any more questions about how the Holocaust was allowed to happen?

John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books) is available today. You can read an exclusive excerpt here and a review of the novel here.  


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