The recent crowning of a white Zimbabwean as the nation’s Miss Universe representative was met with much derision after many voiced their disapproval over the winner’s race in a country where white people make up a small minority.

Brooke Bruk-Jackson, a 21-year-old Harare native, was crowned Miss Universe Zimbabwe 2023 last Saturday after edging out 11 other finalists, after the competition returned to the African country after a 22-year absence.

The part-time model from Zimbabwe is now slated to participate in the upcoming 72nd Miss Universe pageant in El Salvador in November.

However, many took to social media to express opposition to the new titleholder, in light of the fact that white Zimbabweans make up less than one percent of the country’s total population.

Though Bruk-Jackson describes herself as a “pure-bred Zimbabwean” and insists the “colour of our skin should not define a person or who each person chooses to associate with. Together, we are aligned, a beautiful kind made by god,” that didn’t stop hostility directed at her win.

“A White woman can be Miss Zimbabwe in the real world, but a Black girl playing a fictional mermaid character was a bridge too far for some,” an X user wrote.

Calling the win “tragic,” one X user wrote, “All those beautiful melanted women and you telling me the European woman won a contest for black people!!??”

Another user lashed out at Bruk-Jackson for having the “audacity” to say she’s a pure-bred Zimbabwean.

“A white girl winning miss zimbabwe is like a transgender winning miss universe,” another wrote.

“Pana Miss Universe Zimbabwe I don’t want to be racist but It’s not giving Zimbabwe,” one social media influencer wrote, to which a user replied, “Haaa for real I don’t know which criteria they used but there’s a black girl who deserved it.”

“And Zimbabwe is letting that other girl represent them for miss universe,” one X user wrote, insisting, “Africans need to know we’ve not gotten to that level of equality don’t be fooled We will still be the one to suffer.”

“I think my only thing is Miss ‘Universe’ Zimbabwe should be ‘universally’ representative of the population, and it’s a bit of a shame that she isn’t,” another argued.

Another described the fact that Miss Universe Zimbabwe was given to a white woman as a “damn shame.”

“Can 95% of Zimbabwean girls identify with this miss universe Zimbabwe, no,” another claimed.

“Get well soon Africa!” a user wrote.

“Miss Universe should truly represent the heart and soul of her nation. My sister, my mother, they don’t mirror this girl. She may hold a Zimbabwean ID, but she resonates British vibes,” another wrote. “When we talk about Miss Zimbabwe, it should be about a woman radiating authentic Zimbabwean spirit.”

“As the saying goes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Its a no for me on 2023 Miss Universe Zimbabwe,” an X user wrote. “I do not find her representative of the Zimbabwean woman at all.”

“This idea of a Barbie beauty has gone on too long without a challenge,” the user added. “This is an assualt on Zim women.”

“So Miss Universe Zimbabwe has not been a pageant for 22 years. Then when it comes back it has a Coloniser as it’s face,” another user wrote. 

“MUGABE RISE,” the user added, an apparent reference to Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s former leftist dictator known for his hostility towards whites and crimes against humanity.

Meanwhile, some users highlighted the hypocrisy evident in the negative reactions.

“If white people are 1% of the population in Zimbabwe. By the lefts definition, they are marginalized & oppressed. Why aren’t they celebrating diversity & equity?” one X user wrote. “Isn’t Brooke Bruk-Jackson stunning & brave?”

“This is a classic example of the left’s hypocrisy. They claim to promote equality, Inclusivity & empowerment of minority persons. Yet, a white woman being crowned Miss Zimbabwe is somehow an ‘injustice’ without mentioning that ‘whites’ are a minority in Zimbabwe,” wrote another X user. 

“They make up less than a percent of the country’s population. So, by their standards, they should be celebrating this, instead they are outraged,” the user added. “Then you realise they aren’t fighting for equality — but for the reverse engineering of all the injustices of past.”

I’m hearing an outrage is brewing after a Zimbabwe model Brooke Bruk-Jackson, a white woman, was crowned the winner of the Miss Universe Zimbabwe 2023. Does it matter really what colour is the winner? Was it a colour competition?” another user asked.

“Oh, the hypocrisy- a black #MissIreland is fine, but a white #MissUniverseZimbabwe isn‘t? Explain it to me like I‘m 5,” yet another X user wrote.

“The shoe on the other foot exposes the true reality of the lies when promoting diversity,” wrote another.

The matter comes as the progressive left continues to push racial double standards.

In May, award-winning author and University of Baltimore professor Dwight “D” Watkins slammed Disney’s newest Little Mermaid, questioning the “point of having a Black little mermaid if she’s just going to be thrown into a center of a white world,” as he fantasized over a means to “turn all of the white characters Black.”

Meanwhile, anti-white sentiment continues to be pushed by the “woke” left and mainstream media — which Tesla CEO Elon Musk has accused of being “racist against whites & Asians.”

In March, White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo lauded racially segregated “spaces” during a discussion about promoting “racial justice,” claiming that people of color “need to get away from white people and have some community with each other.” 

Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.