An Alameda County Superior Court judge was robbed by three men outside a courthouse in downtown Oakland, California.
He wasn’t hurt, so allow me to say…hahahaha, I love this story so much I want to gay-marry it.
Things in Democrat-run Oakland are so awful, people are getting mugged in broad daylight (8:50 a.m.) outside courthouses:
An Alameda County Superior Court judge was robbed of his Rolex watch and wallet at gunpoint Thursday morning while he was headed into a downtown Oakland courthouse.
The judge, who was getting out of his vehicle when the holdup happened, was not injured.
Sure, a story like this might be anecdotal, but look at what it says about how lawless Democrat-run Oakland has become.
No criminal is looking to get caught or go to jail, and these three men are still running around in masks robbing people in broad daylight outside a courthouse. That’s how confident they were that 1) no one would catch them or 2) if they were caught, they wouldn’t serve any jail time.
What’s next, a holdup at a police station?
What I can’t get over is people with a choice choosing to live like this.
Oakland police investigate a shooting on Brookdale Avenue and Foothill Boulevard in Oakland, Calif., on Thursday, April 27, 2023 (Jane Tyska/Digital First Media/East Bay Times via Getty Images).
Like every city in America, Oakland is a representative democracy. That means the citizens of Oakland can—if they choose—elect a mayor and district attorney who will do something about crime, and doing something about the crime is no secret. If you put criminals in jail, crime rates decrease. If you put repeat criminals in jail, crime rates plummet. This is not rocket science.
But for some reason, the people of Oakland want to live like this. There’s no other explanation. This week, there was a much-publicized community meeting where Oakland residents complained about the horrors (which I am very familiar with) of living in a high-crime area. But…
How many vote Democrat and will do so again in the next election?
Joe Biden won 80 percent of Alameda County—80 percent!
Seriously, y’all, stop worrying about Oakland.
Oakland is getting exactly what it wants and what it voted for, which means Oakland is Oakland’s problem.
The 20 percent who don’t vote Democrat in Alameda County have to get the hell out of Oakland.
And, yes, you can get out.
I never have been and never will be wealthy, but in search of a better life, I have moved out of state four times—twice clear across the country. All four times, I packed myself up and did the driving, but I got out.
Oakland is lost. Oakland is doomed. Oakland is so lost and doomed and beyond fixing that Oakland judges are getting mugged outside Oakland courthouses.
This kind of lawlessness is not a tragedy, social ill, or even unfortunate. What’s happening in Oakland (and Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc.) is a choice—a choice made by voters that says they want to live this way.
Oakland is not my problem.
Oakland is not an American problem.
Oakland is only one thing: a blessing for sane people, a reminder of how good those of us in MAGA Utopia have it.
Do I have sympathy for the people of Oakland? Why should I? They are getting what they want. What’s to sympathize with? We should be happy for people who get what they want.
FLASHBACK — Oakland Mayor: “Oakland Needs More Police,” and “Defund Rhetoric” Makes It Harder to Do That; “We Need State and Federal Resources”
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