President Joe Biden’s net favorability rating has reached an all-time low as he struggles to strike a deal with House Republicans on the debt ceiling, the latest CNN poll found.

According to data from this survey, Biden’s net favorability has declined significantly since December. In December, 42 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Biden, compared to 52 who did not — a net of -10.

The latest results found that 35 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Biden, while 57 percent do not — a net of -22, marking a 12-point swing in the wrong direction over the last few months.

These poll numbers come as Biden is negotiating with congressional leaders about increasing the debt ceiling, which Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expects the U.S. to hit by June 1.

Biden’s initial reluctance to negotiate and steadfast advocacy for a “clean” debt ceiling increase may have harmed his favorability rating. The CNN survey found that 60 percent of Americans think the government should “only raise the nation’s debt ceiling if it cuts spending at the same time.”

Meanwhile, a poll last week found that more Americans blame Biden than House Republicans for the lack of an agreement on the debt ceiling increase.

Biden’s all-time low favorability also comes as most registered voters think Biden and his son Hunter partook “in an illegal influence peddling scheme while he was Vice President,” a Harvard/Harris poll conducted last week found.

The CNN poll, conducted by SSRS, also found that two-thirds of Americans think a second term of the Biden-Harris administration would either be “a setback or a disaster for the country.”

The CNN poll surveyed 1,227 adults between May 17 and May 20. It has a ±3.7 margin of error.

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.