Polls: Biden’s Approval Rating with Independents Is Deeply Underwater

FILE - President Joe Biden listens as Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks during
AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is deeply underwater with independent voters as he gears up for his reelection campaign, according to multiple national polls.

Biden’s approval rating among independents in five of the latest national polls registered at 33.2 percent, while an average of 56.2 percent of independents disapprove of his performance:

One of the surveys, conducted by Emerson College Polling from April 24-25, shows Biden is 22 points underwater with independents and voters unaffiliated with the two major parties. Only 30 percent of the 317 respondents in the demographic gave Biden’s performance a positive grade. Conversely, 52 percent of them disapproved of Biden’s record, with another 17 percent undecided.

The margin of error for the full survey was plus or minus 2.9 percent, though the margin increases among subdemographics. His approval rating with the demographic dwindled by six percent, compared to Emerson’s February poll when it was 37 percent.

In a Gallup poll taken from April 3-25, Biden’s approval among 402 independents pinged at 31 percent, while a strong majority of 61 percent disapproved. Just eight percent were either unsure or refused to answer the question. In March, his approval rating among the subpopulation was 35 percent, marking a four-point decline month over month.

The margin of error for the latest Gallup poll is plus or minus four percent.

The trend continued in the YouGov/Economist poll published on Wednesday, showing 33 percent approving of Biden’s performance. Conversely, 54 percent disapproved, and 13 percent were undecided.

The poll was taken between April 22-25 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, and the independent sample included 548 respondents.  Biden fared slightly better in this poll compared to mid-March, when 31 percent approved.

A PBS News-commissioned Marist poll sampled between April 17-19 found that Biden holds the approval of just 35 percent of independents. In comparison, a majority of 52 percent of independent respondents were unhappy with his performance.

Finally, a survey jointly conducted by Beacon Research and Shaw & Company Research for Fox News revealed that Biden is 25 points underwater with independents, as 37 percent are satisfied with his showing, and 62 percent disapprove.

The poll, sampled between April 21-24, has a margin of error of plus or minus three percent.

Joe Biden / YouTube

The president announced his reelection bid through a campaign video on Monday, which failed to mention a single Biden accomplishment since taking office.

The Emerson College survey showed that only 35 percent of Democrat primary voters want someone else as the Democrat presidential nominee.


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