Republicans believe former President Donald Trump is the “strongest candidate” the Republican Party can choose in 2024, a survey from The Economist/YouGov found.

The survey, taken April 15-18, 2023, among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens, asked, “Do you think that Donald Trump is the strongest candidate that Republicans could nominate for president in 2024?”

According to the results, 53 percent of Republicans believe Trump is the strongest candidate the GOP could nominate for the next presidential election. Thirty-one percent disagreed, and 16 percent remain unsure.

Independents remain uncertain, as a plurality, 45 percent, said Trump is not the strongest candidate the GOP could choose. However, 54 percent of Trump 2020 voters also agree that Trump remains the strongest candidate to nominate. Further, 59 percent of Trump 2020 voters said they want Trump to run again, as do 56 percent of Republicans, specifically.

Democrats are not as confident in President Biden, as 44 percent identified him as the strongest candidate that Democrats could nominate in the next election cycle. Thirty percent said he is not, and 26 percent remain unsure. Perhaps what is worse for Biden — just 35 percent of Biden 2020 voters believe he is the strongest choice for Democrats to nominate in 2024, and only 39 percent of Biden 2020 voters want him to run again. Less than a majority of Democrats, 47 percent, also want Biden to run in the next presidential election.

The survey comes as Trump continues to dominate his potential challengers in a series of both national and statewide polls. The latest Morning Consult survey found Trump with a 29-point advantage over his closest potential rival, and two recent surveys out of New Hampshire found Trump also leading the potentially crowded 2024 GOP primary field with double-digit support.

“Well, I’m honored,” Trump said of his frontrunner status in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle.

“Sadly, I have to say part of it is because the country is doing so poorly. I wish it were for other reasons. They saw how we did, and now they see the country doing so poorly and so pathetically. We’re not respected by anybody,” he added.