Less than Half of Biden 2020 Voters Want Him to Run Again in 2024

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

President Biden is failing to garner 2024 support from even half of those who supported him in the 2020 presidential election, a survey from The Economist/YouGov found.

The survey asked respondents, “Do you want Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024?”

Across the board, a small majority, 51 percent, said “no,” Biden should not run for president again in the next election cycle. Just 28 percent said he should, and another 21 percent remain unsure. 

Predictably, opinions vary along party lines. Nearly three-quarters of Republicans do not believe Biden should run again — a sentiment held by 56 percent of independents and over a quarter of Democrats. Less than half, 46 percent, of Democrats want him to run again, but the figure is even worse among those who voted for Biden in the 2020 election. 

Just 44 percent in that group said he should run in 2024, compared to 31 percent who said he should not and 25 percent who remain unsure. In comparison, most Trump 2020 voters, 57 percent, want to see the former president run again in 2024. 

Biden even fails to garner majority support among both liberals and moderates, as just 43 percent of liberals said he should run again, while 52 percent of moderates said he should not. 

The survey was taken January 14-17, 2023, among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens and coincides with reports that Biden’s classified document scandal will impact his 2024 campaign launch, as Breitbart News reported:

Whether Biden’s mishandling of classified materials will permanently derail his reelection announcement or not is unclear amid media speculation. But according to CNN’s  and , Biden’s aides have acknowledged the scandal “will present a challenge… in anticipation of an expected announcement that he is seeking reelection” as early as February.

No formal timeline has been offered for Biden’s potential announcement, but the 80-year-old has voiced his “intention” to run again in 2024, possibly pitting him against former President Trump for a second time.

When asked about his intentions in November, Biden said it would ultimately be a “family decision.”

“I think everybody wants me to run, but … we’re going to have discussions about it. And I don’t feel any … hurry one way or another,” he added.

A Politico survey released that same month found 65 percent of registered voters expressing the belief that Biden should not run again in 2024. 


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