Internal Twitter emails released on Friday by Elon Musk via journalist Matt Taibbi revealed that Twitter censored a tweet about the Hunter Biden laptop story by actor James Wood at the behest of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The communications revealed that a political party was able to successfully suppress a private citizens’ speech on Twitter for posting content that could be politically damaging for the Democrat presidential nominee at the time of a presidential election.

The email posted by Taibbi showed that a Twitter employee emailed a co-worker with suspension requests, writing: “An additional report from DNC.” Listed were two tweets, including one by Woods.

Woods tweeted on October 24, 2020, a meme of Hunter Biden after the Hunter Biden laptop story broke that showed a photo of Hunter apparently taking drugs and engaging in a sexual act.

The photo was accompanied by a parody of a campaign ad that said, “I’m on Team Toe.”

Woods tweeted, “Feets, don’t fail me now.”

The Biden campaign team requested certain accounts be suspended as well, another email shows.

The Hunter Biden laptop story, first reported by the New York Post’s Miranda Devine and Emma-Jo Morris (now Breitbart News’s politics editor), broke just weeks before the 2020 presidential election but was suppressed by social media. The story revealed emails describing shady business dealings with foreign actors, as well as compromising photos of Biden engaged in sexual acts. Some emails found on the laptop suggested that Joe Biden, the Democrat presidential nominee, was involved in some of the business dealings.

Twitter suspended the New York Post‘s Twitter account and suppressed tweets linking to the story — some apparently at the behest of the DNC.

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