Previously Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Killing 6-Month-Old in Drunk Driving Crash

St. Joseph County Sheriff's Office

A previously deported illegal alien is accused of killing six-month-old Alden Adams in a drunk driving crash in St. Joseph County, Michigan.

Efrain Jimenez Lopez, a 24-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, has been arrested and charged with causing a fatal drunk driving crash on November 1 that caused the death of Alden Adams.

According to the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Office, Lopez was driving without a valid driver’s license when he rear-ended a minivan driven by 30-year-old Samantha Adams who had her six-month-old baby, Alden, in the vehicle with her.

While Alden Adams was taken to a nearby hospital in Kamazaoo, Michigan, where he died from his injuries, police allege that Lopez admitted to crawling away from the crash, into a cornfield, in an effort to evade arrest.

Lopez was first deported from the United States in February 2019 after he illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border via Calexico, California. At a later date, unknown to federal officials, Lopez again illegally crossed the border and made his way to Michigan.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has placed a detainer on Lopez so that if he is released from local police custody, he will be turned over to them for arrest and deportation.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


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