The establishment media do not seem to care that Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), who announced Friday he is running for House Democrat leader, is an election denier.

Following the midterm elections, during which many media outlets constantly pointed to particular Republican candidates as “election deniers,” the media has failed to hold Democrat Jeffries to the same standard.

Upon Jeffries announcing his bid for leader, the media refused to note that Jeffries assaulted democracy by promoting false election claims, just like some Republicans did, according to the same media outlets.

Those outlets that ignored Jeffries’ false claims are:

Four times has Jeffries unrepentantly pushed false election claims.

“Keep pouting. History will never accept you as a legitimate President,” Jeffries tweeted at former President Donald Trump in 2020.

Again in 2020, he tweeted that Trump tried to steal the election via Russian interference. “let’s be clear donald. The only person trying to steal the election is YOU. (and your buddies in the Kremlin)”

In 2018, he falsely claimed the 2016 election was “illegitimate.”

“The more we learn about 2016 election the more ILLEGITIMATE it becomes. America deserves to know whether we have a FAKE President in the Oval Office #RussianInterference,” he tweeted.

Jeffries claimed in 2018 two Supreme Court seats were stolen because of Trump’s presidency, in which he nominated Supreme Court justices.

“LIE (more than any administration in the history of the Republic.) CHEAT (2016 election/Russian Interference). STEAL (one or two Supreme Court seats). When will Republicans put country ahead of party? #CleanUpCorruption,” he said:

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.