Ortiz: Hispanics Leading Republicans’ ‘Coalition of the Ascendant’ in Huge Turnaround

Hispanic voters go to the polls for early voting at the Miami-Dade Government Center in Mi
Gaston De Cardenas / Getty Images

Alfredo Ortiz of Job Creators Network writes in Fox News about the unexpected but not inexplicable growing affiliation of Hispanic voters with the Republican party:

Whatever happened to the Democratic Party’s “coalition of the ascendant?”

According to leading progressives during the Obama years, this collection of growing American factions, led by Hispanics, was supposed to deliver Democrats an enduring governing majority. Yet today, increasing Hispanic support for Republicans is poised to deliver Congress back to Republicans.

“A funny thing happened to the Republican Party on its way to political oblivion,” writes James Taranto from The Wall Street Journal. “It started attracting more Hispanic voters. Yes, even during the Trump years.” In fact, President Donald Trump cut Democrats’ outperformance among Hispanics from 42 points in 2016 to 26 points in 2020.

Recent polls suggest that margin will shrink significantly again this cycle. A Pew Research survey finds that 77% of Hispanics are dissatisfied with the country’s direction, and 54% disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance.
Read the rest of the article here.


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