Poll: Joe Biden’s Approval Under Water on a Variety of Issues

Joe Biden
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The American people disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of a variety of issues, a survey from the Economist and YouGov reveals.

Biden’s overall approval is under water, as 51 percent disapprove of his job performance, and 42 percent approve. Of those who disapprove, 38 percent do so “strongly.”

However, Biden fails to see positive ratings on individual issues as well — a bad sign for Democrats as the midterm elections come down to the wire. 

Just 40 percent, for example, approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, which Americans have repeatedly identified as a top issue. Forty-eight percent disapprove. This comes on the heels of Biden stating that he is “optimistic” about the economy moving forward, adding on Wednesday, “I appreciate the frustration of the American people.”

Biden’s approval on immigration is even worse, as 54 percent disapprove and 31 percent approve. Even one quarter of Democrats disapprove of his handling on that issue. Those ratings follow reports of U.S. border agents apprehending a record 2.2 million migrants during Fiscal Year 22. 

“This represents a massive 33 percent increase over the previous record set just last year by the Biden administration,” Breitbart News reported. 

Biden does not see positive figures in other categories, either.

Foreign Policy:
39 percent approve
46 percent disapprove

32 percent approve
52 percent disapprove

32 percent approve
56 percent disapprove

The survey was taken October 22-25, 2022, among 1,500 U.S. adults and coincides with other recent surveys, showing similar results.

A September Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, for example, found former President Donald Trump outperforming Biden on a range of issues, some of which were included in this survey as well.


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