Nolte: Obama Scolds Democrats for Being ‘Buzzkills’ Obsessed with Trump

Former U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to guests at the Obama Foundation Summit on the
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Former President Barack Obama appeared on something called Pod Save America and scolded Democrats for being “buzzkills.”

Speaking of the midterms Friday, the former president who spied on Donald Trump’s campaign said Democrats are obsessed over the wrong things.

After using himself as an example of a politician who could seem out of touch when becoming “professorial,” the former president who spied on Donald Trump’s campaign said that voters wonder, “How is politics even relevant to things I care most deeply about? My family, my kids, work that gives me satisfaction, having fun. Hell, not being a buzzkill.”

He added this about the left’s fascist cancel culture: “And sometimes Democrats are [a buzzkill]. Sometimes people just want to not feel as if they are walking on eggshells, and they want some acknowledgment that life is messy and that all of us, at any given moment, can say things the wrong way, make mistakes.”

The former president who spied on Donald Trump’s campaign also said Democrats need to stop focusing on things that don’t matter:

[Democrats] spend enormous amounts of time and energy and resources pointing out the latest crazy thing [Trump] said, or how rude or mean some of these Republican candidates behaved. That’s probably not something that in the minds of most voters overrides their basic interests — Can I pay the rent? What are gas prices? How am I dealing with childcare?

The former president who spied on Donald Trump’s campaign is not wrong about this. The problem is that Democrats can’t talk about these issues for one simple reason: Democrats are deliberately causing these crises.

Democrats want a housing shortage. Why else would they flood the country with millions of illegal immigrants and pass insane environmental laws that make housing too expensive to build? Democrats make no secret about their pro-density agenda. They hate the suburbs. They hate single-family homes. They want us crowded in their failed cities where they can control us. So the only way to address the housing issue is to build more homes and stop illegal immigration. But Democrats want compliant illegal aliens to replace Americans.

Further, Democrats believe there are already enough homes. The problem is our selfishness, our uppity desire to own our own home, a lawn, and a garage. You can’t control or manipulate happy people. You can only control and manipulate miserable people.

As far as gas prices, don’t make me laugh. Five-dollar-a-gallon gas isn’t a bug; it’s a feature. How can Democrats address gas prices when the only solution is to tap into America’s natural resources, which would provide hundreds of years of affordable energy?

The last thing Democrats want is a prosperous America. Scarcity is another design feature to make us miserable and, by extension, easier to control.

A satisfied and happy population does not want change. This is why Democrats despise the working and middle class. And so, this is why Democrats are working feverishly to destroy the working and middle class, not just through shipping jobs overseas, a deliberate housing crisis, and a deliberate explosion of gas prices.

Democrats are coming for our children, as well. All this gay and trans nonsense is designed to annihilate well-rounded, happy, contented kids who would otherwise grow into stable and self-sufficient adults.

Democrats don’t want a stable and self-sufficient population. They don’t want another Generation X. Unhappy, unstable neurotics who see themselves as an oppressed minority group; those are the freaks who vote Democrat. And what better way to create that population than through the hyper-sexualization of children before they are  ready, irreversible puberty blockers, pre-adult sex changes that butcher the body, and “fat acceptance?”

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