Ex-CNN Chief Jeff Zucker, Ex-MSNBC Boss Phil Griffin Defend Ignoring Hunter Biden Story: ‘He Was Never Arrested!’

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, speaks to guests during the White House East
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Ex-CNN boss Jeff Zucker and ex-MSNBC chief Phil Griffin defended ignoring the Hunter Biden story in Philadelphia last week during the Un-Convention.

While speaking on a panel, Zucker claimed CNN researched into the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop but admitted the network did not spend enough time vetting the authenticated story. CNN finally admitted 532 days Hunter’s “laptop from hell” was authentic after the initial story broke on October 24, 2020 — notably calling it “Russian disinformation” and “made up” at the time.

“We did. We did look into it. But first of all, you know, with regard to the son of the candidate, you know, he was the son of the candidate. He wasn’t the candidate. The question that you’ll come back with is, well, but what role did the candidate play in his business dealings?” Zucker questioned.

President Joe Biden and his staff have claimed seven times Joe Biden has had no part in the family scheme, but 17 instances show otherwise.

“Okay. So my point is, it’s easy to say we should have spent more time on that,” Zucker continued. “Listen, do I think it’s legitimate to look at. Sure. Do I think that like it’s a legitimate criticism to say that in the ten days, 14 days prior to the election, you didn’t spend enough time on it? Not really.”

Ex-MSNBC chief Phil Griffin jumped in the conversation and excused ignoring the story because Hunter was not arrested for any crime.

“He was never arrested. The Justice Department was looking into it, never reported it until he is the son of a candidate. I don’t think it’s a main story until that happens,” Griffin replied.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has since stated he believes the FBI agent Tim Thibault shut down the laptop probe. Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski fears recently departed Thibault buried the information he conveyed to the FBI about his Chinese business dealings with the Biden family, the New York Post reported. Bobulinski personally met with President Joe Biden in 2017 for an hour to discuss “the Bidens’ family business plans with the Chinese.”

Moreover, Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg admitted the FBI approached Facebook in 2020 to be on the lookout for Russian disinformation. The two FBI officials who had knowledge of Hunter’s laptop in 2020 and who alerted Facebook to potential Russian disinformation are Democrat donors, court filings and campaign finance records show.

Hunter is reportedly under investigation by Trump-appointed U.S. prosecutor David Weiss for tax fraud, money laundering, and violation of lobbying laws. The probe appears to be unrelated to Hunter’s laptop.

Hunter Biden is the subject of a brand new narrative film, My Son Hunter, marking Breitbart’s expansion into film distribution. The film was directed by Robert Davi (GooniesLicense to KillDie Hard) and stars Laurence Fox (VictoriaInspector LewisThe Professor and The Madman) as Hunter Biden; Gina Carano (The MandalorianDeadpoolHeist) as a Secret Service agent; and John James (Dynasty) as Joe Biden. It was produced by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney (Gosnell movie, FBI Lovebirds: Undercovers) from the Unreported Story Society. The film is available RIGHT NOW for Streaming and Downloading at MySonHunter.comThe trailer below has been viewed almost 5 million times across social media.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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