WATCH: Debate Moderator Flips as Herschel Walker Flashes Badge While Defending Police

Herschel Walker, police October 11, 2022, Carrollton, Georgia
Ashley Oliver/Breitbart News

Herschel Walker flashed a sheriff’s badge while he defended law enforcement during his debate with Sen. Raphael Warnock on Friday, which prompted the debate moderator to scold Walker for allegedly violating the debate rules.

While speaking about crime and gun violence in Georgia, Warnock noted the Senate’s vote to pass gun safety legislation and emphasized his purported support of law enforcement.

“My heart goes out when I see the kinds of tragedies that we’re witnessing all across our state, all across our country. And it’s the reason why I have passed legislation to support law enforcement. I passed the largest investment in the cops’ program in a decade,” Warnock said.

In response, Walker slammed Warnock for being weak on crime and demonizing law enforcement.

“Well, first of all, you know, any law or Bill passed that would affect anyone’s Second Amendment, I’m not going to stand for and I won’t support,” Walker said. “But third, to hear Sen. Warnock’s talks about supporting law enforcement is sad because he’s called them names.”

“And because of the name-calling he’s done, the morale is down. Recruitment is down only because of what he’s done,” Walker continued. “He’s empowered criminals to think they’re better than the police, and because he believes in no cash bail, in releasing prisoners, he don’t protect the border.”

Walker also touted his endorsement by Georgia’s sheriffs.

“And he talks about the police — I have more sheriffs that has endorsed me than anyone running in Georgia right now. And I even have some sheriffs here,” Walker said. “They’ve endorsed me because they knew I have their back. They’re gonna have my back. So listen to him say that after calling them names, I think it’s a disgrace.”

Warnock accused Walker, who served as an Honorary Agent and Special Deputy Sheriff of Cobb County, of pretending to be a police officer.

“One thing I have not done, I’ve never pretended to be a police officer. And I’ve never threatened a shootout with the police,” Warnock claimed.

Although the moderator tried to move on after Warnock attacked Walker, Walker doubled down on his service with Cobb County’s Sherriff’s office and pulled out a sheriff’s badge.

“And you know what’s so funny? I have worked with many police officers,” Walker said as he flashed the badge.

The moderator then interjected and scolded Walker for using a “prop” during the debate, which is allegedly against the rules.

After that exchange, Walker accused Warnock of representing President Joe Biden’s interests in the Senate instead of Georgians’ interests.

“Well, what I would do is hold people accountable, which is Sen. Warnock not doing,” Walker said when asked what he would do to stop homicides in Georgia. “Believing in no cash bail? No accountability. That is a problem. People must be accountable for their actions.”

“And the truth lies with Sen. Warnock because he said he was going to Washington to represent Georgia. He went to Washington and represents Joe Biden,” Walker said. “That’s the reason we in the mess we in today because he represents Joe Biden and not the truth for Georgia.”

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter. 


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