Poll: Nevada Republicans Joe Lombardo, Adam Laxalt Lead Democrat Opponents Ahead of Midterms

LOGANDALE, NEVADA - JUNE 11: Nevada GOP Senate candidate Adam Laxalt speaks during a campa
David Becker/Getty Images, AP Photo/Ellen Schmidt

Republicans are leading down-ticket in swing-state Nevada with less than 40 days until the November midterm elections.

In two of the nation’s highest-profile races, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo continues to narrowly lead incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak (D), as does former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt in the race to snag vulnerable Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto’s (D-NV) seat.

A new Nevada Independent/OH Predictive Insights poll shows Lombardo leading Sisolak 45 percent to 42 percent and Laxalt leading Cortez Masto 45 percent to 43 percent. Both leads are within the survey’s ±3.6 percent margin of error and follow other recent polling showing the GOP candidates closely leading their blue opponents. The poll surveyed 741 likely Nevada voters between Sept. 20-29.

Likely Silver State voters have a less favorable view of Sisolak than Lombardo, with 55 percent viewing him unfavorably compared to 43 percent who have a good opinion of him. Lombardo is viewed favorably by 45 percent of poll respondents and viewed unfavorably by 48 percent.

The results come after a late-September poll from Trafalgar Group showing Lombardo three points ahead and an early The Hill/Emerson poll revealing them tied. August polling from Fabrizio/Anzalone and Trafalgar Group each showed Lombardo with a two-point lead. RealClearPolitics (RCP), which ranks the race a “toss up” and a “GOP Pick Up,” gives Lombardo a 1.5 point average lead.

In the Nevada U.S. Senate race, the “continuing unpopularity of President Joe Biden” is “complicating the political environment for Cortez Masto,” the report states, noting that Nevadans have a worse opinion of Biden than the national average tracked by FiveThirtyEight (42 percent).

“OHPI’s survey results show Biden’s Nevada numbers just under that mark, with 41 percent of respondents giving a favorable view of the president. His unfavorables remain much higher than the national average — 57 percent in Nevada compared to 52 percent nationally,” The Nevada Independent reported. 

“Republicans have sought to tie Cortez Masto to the White House throughout the campaign, with Laxalt often referring to her in recent months as a “rubber stamp” senator. Still, the OHPI survey showed Cortez Masto with stronger favorable numbers than Biden — if still underwater, 45 percent favorable to 52 percent unfavorable,” the report continued. 

The race between Cortez Masto and Laxalt is even closer in the state’s population centers: Cortez Masto is leading 45-44 percent in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas and accounts for roughly 70 percent of the state’s population, and they are tied 43-43 in Washoe County. However, Laxalt has a huge lead in rural counties, leading Cortez Masto 56 percent to 27 percent.

The state’s other races are also looking more favorable for GOP candidates. Republican Sigal Chattah is leading the incumbent Democrat Aaron Ford in the state attorney general race 39 to 37 percent, and Republican Jim Marchant is leading Democrat Cisco Aguilar 39 percent to 31 percent in the race for secretary of state.

Biden’s floundering economy appears to be voters’ biggest motivator ahead of the midterms, with 35 percent of those polled identifying the economy and jobs as a “top issue.” Education follows at 18 percent, healthcare at 12 percent, something not listed at 12 percent, and immigration at 11 percent. The report noted that abortion, “a key issue to Democrats’ campaigns” was not listed among the issues.

Disclosure: Breitbart News is represented by Cooper & Kirk, PLLC. Adam Laxalt is a partner at Cooper & Kirk. He is not actively engaged or working on any matters for Breitbart News.


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