A pair of advertisements are hammering Pennsylvania’s radical Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate, John Fetterman, on law and order.

On Tuesday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) released a video ad entitled “John Fetterman Isn’t One of Us.” It blasts Fetterman for reportedly living off of his parents’ money for much of his adult life and highlighted his comments that emptying prisons by one-third would “not make anyone less safe in Pennsylvania.” 

“John Fetterman isn’t one of us. Fetterman’s a trust fund baby and hasn’t worked a day in his life,” a woman narrator states at the beginning of the ad.

“For 49 years, Mom and Dad gave him an allowance, and his sister gave him a home for just a dollar. Fetterman’s parents stopped giving him an allowance when Pennsylvania taxpayers started footing the bill for a job he doesn’t even show up for,” the narrator continues.

“He isn’t like us, and it’s no wonder he supports banning fracking, releasing one-third of prisoners from jail, and raising taxes during a recession,” the video concludes.

“Fetterman is a phony. And rather than be honest with voters and answer questions at a debate, he hides behind glossy TV ads to make him into something he isn’t,” said RNC Spokesman Nathan Brand in a press release associated with the ad. “His get-ups and lies about his record on crime won’t cover for him being an out-of-touch radical.”

Another group called Citizens for Sanity ran an advertisement in the Philadelphia Tribune on Tuesday, as GOP strategist Arthur Schwartz noted. The group targets Fetterman’s character and his criminal-friendly rhetoric, sarcastically calling him “a man of courage.”

The ad reads:

John Fetterman is a man of courage. The courage to wear a hoodie in even the most formal settings. The courage to grow a ratty goatee and wear it proudly. The courage to demand cold-blooded killers – murderers – be freed from prison. Police and firemen move aside, because John Fetterman is the real hero.

Citizens for Sanity’s website states that its mission “is to return common sense to America, to highlight the importance of logic and reason, and to defeat “wokeism” and anti-critical thinking ideologies.” 

Last week, the group released an ad in the Union Leader, a New Hampshire newspaper. It slammed Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH), who is up for reelection this year, on border security. 

“Thank you Senator Hassan for keeping the border open,” the ad reads in print. “Sex traffickers could never succeed without friends like you.”