Pennsylvania Democrat Senate candidate John Fetterman declared himself “FetterWoman” at a pro-abortion rally on Sunday where he promised to codify Roe v. Wade.

Standing before a pink and black “Women for Fetterman” sign at a rally in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, Fetterman unveiled a pink shirt emblazoned with the label “FetterWoman” across the chest.

The shirts immediately went on sale on Fetterman’s campaign website.

“My name is John FetterWoman!” he said as the crowd cheered.

During the rally, Fetterman reiterated his support for abortion, which includes his support for the deadly practice up until the moment of birth, and pledged that he would vote to codify Roe v. Wade in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision.

“Women are the reason we can win. Let me say that again: Women are the reason we win.” Fetterman told the crowd.

“Don’t piss women off,” he added.

Fetterman then pointed his attack at his opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz, characterizing him as a pro-life extremist.

“This decision: should [it] be made up to Dr. Oz? Or to a woman and a real doctor, to choose?” Fetterman asked the crowd.

“Oz believes abortion is murder… No exceptions: rape or incest… If every abortion is a murder, that means Dr. Oz considers every woman who had to choose abortion is a killer,” Fetterman added.

John Fetterman, lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania and Democratic senate candidate, holds up a campaign shirt before speaking at an abortion rights rally at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, US, on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022. (Michelle Gustafson/Bloomberg via Getty)

Oz’s campaign said in response that the candidate does “support exceptions to abortion bans in cases of rape, incest and to save the life of the mother,” according to The Hill.

In an interview with CNN earlier this year, Fetterman revealed his extremist abortion position, which allows no room for minor restrictions.

“I believe that choice is between a woman, her doctor,and a God if she prays to one,” he said. “As a man and a politician, I don’t have a right to intervene.”

“Are there any limits on abortion you would find appropriate?” a moderator asked him.

“I don’t believe so, no,” he responded. “I believe that that is between a woman and her physician, and it’s certainly not between me and any politician.”