Donna Brazile: ‘MAGA Movement Is a Threat’ to Democracy

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that President Joe Biden was right to say “MAGA Republicans” are a threat to democracy

Guest host Terry Moran asked, “Let’s talk about the political implications of this, especially after, Donna, President Biden has made MAGA Republicanism, as he calls it, one of the central focuses of the Democrats’ campaign – a threat to democracy, extremism. And Donald Trump taking center stage again with this search and fighting it. Is that a good idea for Democrats to fight this on this ground in part?”

Brazile said, “I think the president is trying to alert the American people that we have a threat, and that threat is the extremism, and the MAGA movement is an extremist movement that embraces conspiracy theories that do not support or adhere to the rule of law.”

She continued, “Yes, we’re going to talk about the threats to our democracy. We’re going to talk about what the Biden/Harris administration has done to improve American lives, over 9 million jobs created. Everything is on the table, but the MAGA movement is a threat.”

Brazile added, “The point I’m making, President Biden did the right thing in calling out these extremists.”

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