Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL), who is challenging Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in Florida’s gubernatorial race, has voted with President Biden “100 percent of the time,” the Republican Party of Florida highlighted in an ad released Thursday.

The new ad aims to show the policy similarities of Crist and the president.

“Joe Biden’s policies are hurting Americans, and Charlie Crist voted with Biden 100 percent of the time,” the ad’s voiceover states.

“Crist voted for Biden’s multitrillion-dollar spending triggering inflation — gas, groceries, housing, all skyrocketing.”

“Crist voted to support Biden’s open border policies – criminals, gangs and drugs are pouring in. Fentanyl killing Americans at record levels,” it continued, identifying Crist as “weak on crime” and bringing attention to his support of defunding the police.

“Charlie Crist, supporting Biden 100% of the time,” it concludes.


Indeed, Crist happily backed Biden’s trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, and he has openly supported leftist efforts for mass amnesty as well as sanctuary cities — a policy not tolerated under Gov. Ron DeSantis’s administration:

Crist is also among members of the radical left who support defunding police, although he has attempted to soften it by calling to reallocate funds.

“I support exactly what the chief is doing….And it isn’t defunding, you’re correct about that. It’s reallocation and making a balance to the approach,” Crist said during a May 2021 meeting with community organizers.

Further, Crist stood strongly against the Parental Rights in Education bill, calling its passage a “grim day,” and he also has identified protecting abortion as a “day one” issue.

Crist has not been shy about his adoration of Biden. He recently praised the president’s angry and divisive anti-MAGA speech, lauding Biden for his “courage.”

“God love him. God love him, and I do,” Crist said. “And he’s told it straight. Democracy is at stake. … Our freedoms are at stake. And the President laid it out, and he couldn’t hold back and I’m so damn proud of him for it.”

DeSantis has warned Floridians, however, to “put on the full armor of God as we will fight tooth and nail to protect Florida from the destructive agenda of Joe Biden and his number one ally in Florida, Charlie Crist.”