Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt released his first general election advertisement Monday, focused on how his upbringing impacted his life.

The ad, titled “Good Man,” features former Nevada Attorney General Laxalt and his wife Jaime, and will run on cable and broadcast across the Silver State.

“I was raised by a single mom with no college education. And as a kid, I didn’t know who my father was,” Laxalt said, later adding that his mother taught him “to face challenges head on and to work hard.”

“Adam’s early life wasn’t easy,” Jaime Laxalt added. “Adam dedicated his life to challenges he believed in. Everything he had to overcome helped to make him a good man.”

Laxalt comes after his opponent, vulnerable Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) released an ad calling Laxalt’s upbringing “charmed” and pointing to his family’s political connections, NBC News reported. Cortez Masto has vastly outspent Laxalt since the June primary on digital and radio ads, $6.5 million to $65,000, the report stated, citing the ad tracking firm AdImpact. Outside GOP groups have spent $10.9 million on ads, and Democrat groups have spent $12.1 million so far.

Even so, recent polling shows the race to snag one of the nation’s most important Senate seats is neck and neck, with some surveys showing Laxalt ahead, and others showing Cortez Masto in the lead. The GOP has its sights set on the Nevada U.S. Senate race, which is considered to be one of the best pickup opportunities in Republicans’ quest to take back the majority in November.

Disclosure: Breitbart News is represented by Cooper & Kirk, PLLC. Adam Laxalt is a partner at Cooper & Kirk. He is not actively engaged or working on any matters for Breitbart News.